View Full Version : Not able to put the anxious thoughts aside.

19-11-21, 20:35
Long story short, yesterday dental crown came off & now I have a dentist apt Tuesday. This should all be normal routine "stuff". However I'm in a spiral with anxiety over this. Not for any reasons people may expect. Its because I will be considered a new patient & they may take my blood pressure & it will be sky high, as it usually is at the drs. (My last dentist did at my initial new patient apt) I take it at home and its normal 9/10 times. Why does it freak me out so much getting it taken at the doctors?! I know White coat syndrome, but still. I want to be able to let this go. Im so afraid ill show up, they'll take my BP, it will be sky high, they'll freak out then ill freak out even more. All over a crown [emoji2360]

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19-11-21, 21:16
I can honestly say a dentist has never taken my blood pressure.

Just tell them there is no point doing it as it will be high - no worries.

I think you are making more out of this than you need to

19-11-21, 22:14
The only time your BP would be monitored is if you were being put under anesthesia for major work. Besides, if you were, your mind would be totally out and your body would react naturally, minus the anxiety. Besides, I've never been put under, even for my wisdom teeth. Just had them numb me up enough is all :yesyes: Not that it's a picnic or anything but eh :shrug:, it's doable. Besides, I don't want to be some video of people waking up from anesthesia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJyNV8jJ-aA&t=124s) ;)


20-11-21, 01:59
Thank you. Florida (along with a few other states) has a new thing (not sure when it started) where dentist are mandated to take blood pressure. Im not sure what the details are though & im praying they skip it this time since its just fixing a crown.

FMP my husband got put under for wisdom tooth removal. He was so loopy! We had to get his rx filled & he got out of the car, unexpectedly, in the drive through. By the time I got parked, got my babies out of the car, and went in to find him...he had everyone in the place cracking up with the nonsense he was saying. At the time I was mortified, but now find it hilarious. [emoji1787]

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23-11-21, 21:29
I'm currently sitting here in the office freaking out. Wish I knew how to get over this. Anyone ever successfully beat white coat syndrome or phobia of doctors. This is awful. I haven't gotten my BP taken yet. Im sure it will be sky high. [emoji24]

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