View Full Version : Been a while, but I'm back 😓

20-11-21, 07:20
Hi everyone, it has been a while but I now feel like I am in a complete downward spiral. I'm currently undergoing my fifth round of IVF. Last month, after my fourth collection, I had a weird sensation in my leg. Not sore, just a weird feeling. After my.collection I was on Hibor injections as I previously have had DVT, 23 years ago. My usual injections, clexane, weren't available so I was put on Hibor.

Anyway, fast forward two weeks and I have started my next cycle of IVF. I still have this weird feeling in my.leg and I talk to my doctor. Knowing I'm highly anxious anyway, he sends me for a d dimer blood test to put my mind at ease. Except the result came back slightly elevated. The range for negative is less than 0.5 and mine was 0.9. D dimer can be raised due to several other issues also.

I'm now freaking out. It's all I can think about. I'm focusing on my leg and feeling the sensations all the time. I'm petrified I have another DVT. I don't even know why I'm writing this.

I've googled different ranges and a slight increase can be caused by infection or pregnancy....has the IVF drugs played a part too? I've no idea. I just know I'm really frightened at the moment.

20-11-21, 12:32
Hi Pet, sorry to hear you're so frightened.

You've had one DVT and are scared of another and now you've got this slightly higher than normal blood test result, plus the stress of IVF. Your anxiety brain can't help but fear the worst and your leg most likely feels weird because of that, but of course that's no reassurance under the circumstances.

What can you do in this situation other than worry? What did your doctor tell you to do? Can I suggest you sit down and make a plan for what you will do to manage this situation so you own it rather than are overwhelmed by it.

Either you go get the leg checked for a DVT or you stay home worrying about it indefinitely.

Put a time limit on it and take action.

Also, take it from me, Google makes every anxiety so much worse. I know this, and yet my brain still gets tricked when I'm not paying attention.

All the best.