View Full Version : anxiety and heart worries

17-11-07, 21:20
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this site so just thought that i'd see if anyone else had experienced what i'm currenty going through??!!

It started just over a week ago when i went to bed and my baby girl was crying - my heart just started to really race and the feelings of nervousness and restlessness set in. I was so incredibly tired but at the same time i just couldn't keep still and had to get to the bathroom (my safe place when i have panick attacks) but this felt nothing like a panick attack.

For the rest of the night and the next 2 days it carried on and i went to docs, saw nurse who took bloods, came back normal, did post natal depression score which concluded that i'm not depressed but very aggitated. Got worse the next day to the point i was climbing the walls, worrying i was going to die and leave my baby daughter behind, so went back to docs had ecg - normal.

Review appointment thur they told me theres nothing wrong with my heart, its all anxiety. My mum has always said i am the most laid back person so this was a real shock. They gave me beta blockers to slow my herat rate and calm the anxiety which seem to be doing the trick but i'm still so incredibly aware of my heartbeat and this is a very unwelcome feeling. Also sometimes get a niggling feeling on the right side of my chest.

Anyone else been through this?

I really didn't think i had a reason to be anxious but on reflection i've had a pretty naff year, but all i seem to do now is think about my heart and worry and i can't stop.

would love to hear similar stories to help put me at ease.

Cassi xxxxxxx

17-11-07, 21:25
PLEASE please ask them to test your THYROID... after I gave birth the second time I had your symptoms and was diagnosed with P natal dep. Then the third time I had it again and they did blood tests which showed I had Hyper thyroiditis...the thyroid is responsible for your metabollic rate and it is when it is out of balance that you get symptoms similar to yours. It is not harmful, is very common and is esp common after giving birth so can be very brief, it is controlled by a tablet per day......... please do not worrry about the prospect of this as it is just a thought, a possibility, and a harmless one at that.
It could of course be tiredness, are you getting support? Do not worry, you will be fine. DD