View Full Version : Basal cell carcinoma

22-11-21, 07:56
Hello, so I’m here worrying myself again. Hoping to get some reassurance. I’m 23. And I noticed these bumps on my shoulder/chest area. It’s really hard to describe exactly where. And I noticed two prominent yellowish kinda skin colored bumps. They look a lot like some images of what’s known as a sebaceous hyperplasia. There’s two of them and it looks like one or two smaller ones. Definitely another small one. I noticed which was probably dirt on it so scratched at it and now I noticed a little vein on one of them. I don’t know if it was there before I scratched the bump or not. But it’s there and I only noticed one. These little veins are a sign that it can be nasal cell carcinoma. Any reassurance? I know most likely I’ll have it looked at on my next appointment with my doc. But I just am looking for any positive news now. Also I don’t know how long these have been there so I’m worried I may have left it untreated for a while and it’s spread.

22-11-21, 12:34
I ignored a bcc for 5 years because I was too scared to get it dealt with. It still only required a minor surgery under local, despite being on my face. Even if you have one, they grow rather than spreading and only grow at glacial speed.

22-11-21, 21:02
The only reason I worry is because there’s like 4 or 5 of these lesions on my shoulder area so I worry that it started a while ago and has gotten into a later stage. I turned 23 in September so I don’t know when it would’ve started. If that’s what it is.

23-11-21, 05:22
It doesn't work like that, at least not unless you're 90 and immunocompromised. I was 38 when mine was treated, and was the youngest person at the clinics and day surgery unit by about 30 years. The way mine had progressed was that it went from a tiny scabby patch to an indented lump with a large scab in the centre that wouldn't heal. By the time I got it dealt with it was bleeding pretty much spontaneously.

Even if you do have it (very unlikely) it's never going to me more than a minor nuisance that can be easily dealt with.