View Full Version : Cancer Paranoia

24-11-21, 16:01
So I was doing pretty good for a little bit. Then the other day I started being nauseous and being sore all over and alot more tired than usual. And for a month been getting even worse pains in my back. I had a total of around 4 ct scans 1 of my lungs 2 of my abdomen and 1 on my head. I also had radioactive dye Injected (had to sign a waiver agreeing I may get cancer from it) Its been about 10 years since all those testings were done and now I'm scared crap I got cancer from all the tests. I see my doctor on the 6th not sure what to say to him other then Im constantly sore and feel nausea. This may just be all benign pains and symptoms but all that radiation I was around has started spiking my anxiety. I also had a handful of normal xrays and a bunch of mris. I am not a mess yet with my anxiety, I know I can work my brain out of it. But what if its cancer I am 33 year old male if that helps. I don't know what tests to ask for. I also have avoided Google for my symptoms. So I have been keeping my anxiety at a lower level

25-11-21, 05:25
Hope to hear from someone with a opinion. So annoyed of all these problems.

25-11-21, 05:27
That isn’t that much radiation actually. Pilots are exposed to more in a year of flying.

25-11-21, 06:43
Thx for the reply. Forgot to add I had a live abdominal xray also to check for reflux.

25-11-21, 13:20
I'm a H&N cancer survivor. Aside from the chemo, I had radiation treatment on my neck 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Enough radiation to literally burn the skin off my neck and turn my throat into mush to the point I could barely swallow. Add to that a CT scan before each treatment to help aim the radiation. All that and it doesn't count all the x rays and scans I've had prior and after. I'm still here and they didn't cause my cancer so... :shrug:


26-11-21, 16:24
Thanks for all the great input. It has helped me alot to prevent me from going off.

21-01-22, 17:05
I read fish statement on radiation over and over. But I just had 3 chest xrays today and Im back on the cancer scare.I spend my life worrying instead of enjoying life more before something bad happens to my health.

22-01-22, 12:22
I am sort of calming down still freaking out but not as bad. Still a little terrified

08-02-22, 13:53
freaking out cause of all the xrays Ive been having to do. Might have to get one of my knee and of my face now. Argh so much rdiation

08-02-22, 14:08
Go read my post again :shades:


08-02-22, 14:34
its helpful my friend just I have a hard time. The what ifs. Thanks again fish. You are of great help.What you have said has made a great help

11-02-22, 18:14
They had to get you to sign the form to cover themselves. It definitely doesnt mean you will get cancer. Is there a specific cancer you are concerned with? you are still young and the largest risk factor for cancer is age - more so than radiation.