View Full Version : SO many things going on, spiraling anxiety, just need some perspective or something

24-11-21, 20:13
Let me preface by say I'm saying I'm 38 female who, up until these past couple of years, has been in great health for the most part.

Last year I noticed a red patch on my gums and went to the dentist. Thought originally that I had cut it on something I ate. We tried a few things but it don't resolve, they thought it looked like lichen planus and earlier that year I had lichen planus striatus on my leg, so it kind of made sense. We tried more things, and nothing helped, so they sent me to an oral surgeon.

Oral surgeon with many many years of experience also thought it was lichen planus, but did a biopsy. Biopsy came back negative for lichen planus, or anything autoimmune. He biopsied a part that didn't concern me personally, so I sought the opinion of a periodontist next. He also thought it was lichen planus, and suggested watch and wait.

6 months later, it seems to have gotten worse.rop and bottom. We do another biopsy, this time on the area that concerned me, and again it's negative for anything autoimmune. He said the
biopsy would have caught cancer as well, so I guess it's not that either?? Essentially no one has ani idea what this is, but it's along the base of my teeth on the bottom gums and between two teeth on the top, but it's a complete mystery. The biopsy report suggested a sensitivity or allergy to something I'm eating or using, so now we're trying elimination but so far, nothing has worked.

I discovered I had new hypertension at that second biopsy... Wonderful. I have been wonderfully normotensive until then, with a normal BP just 2 weeks prior. It wasn't my anxiety and now I'm on meds for that while trying to rule out secondary causes (it is in my family, I have had preclampsia and gestational diabetes, I'm overweight now due to the pandemic, etc). At least the meds have it under control.

In the midst of searching for this cause, my kidney ultrasound picked up "multiple hypoechoic lesions" in my liver with the largest being 2.6cm, and I've been called in to discuss this with my GP next week. I am TERRIFIED and convinced I'm not going to see my daughter, whose 3rd birthday is today, grow up... I guess at least my kidneys are pristine...

June - august of this year my sweet daughter spent a total of 3 weeks in the hospital, first for something that resembles RSV but wasn't, landed her in the ICU, a few weeks later she developed pneumonia, another week in the hospital and they sent us home even though she still had a fever... she stopped eating and drinking and we rushed back after being sent home despite wanting an x-ray done to check her progress. It turned out the antibiotic didn't work and she developed a moderate pleural effusion that required another week in the hospital on an NG tube for nutrition and have the effusion drained... Her vaccine for pneumonia didn't take originally so we had a booster. Thankfully she had the reaction she was supposed to this time around and is healthy, if traumatized.

I have been in a constant spiral since this has all begun, and I Honestly feel like I'm going to snap. I can't take any more of this... This liver thing has me absolutely distraught, suffering while waiting to find out what is going on. It's not like my HA is exactly unwarranted with all this, but I simply cannot cope with anything and I'm missing out on the happy times I should be having with my family and I don't know what to do

I Needed to vent the cluster f**k that my life has become.

30-11-21, 04:58
Sorry you're going through this. It sounds like a rough patch and I hope things turn around soon (or have turned around!)

Are you on birth control? I ask because hepatic adenomas (benign - nothing to worry about) can happen in women on birth control. Stopping the birth control usually resolves the lesions. I hope its something this innocent. I think the odds are in your favor.

Don't worry about your gums. That biopsy ruled out anything dangerous. Interestingly, birth control pills can cause gum lesions as well. All related to hormonal change.

06-12-21, 18:05
Thank you so much.

I have been off BC for a few months, husband got the snip and I wanted off excess drugs, but I apparently also have high testosterone now, and I'm not sure where I sit with birth control with my hypertension. But yes, it's been a few months since I've been in BC . Maybe 3-4. Not sure if they would still be here by now. But thank you for the insight!