View Full Version : Was this a panic attack?? So weird

25-11-21, 13:51
Yesterday i had to take a flight to my parents house. As soon as i arrived at the airport i felt very anxious and like i wasn't really there.. A very panicky feeling and strong derealization. I just kept walking up and down the airport trying to calm myself down, as i couldn't really handle sitting still with the feelings. It truly felt like i was going to lose my mind at any moment and couldn't handle anymore of it. It also kept coming in very strong waves. I felt like i couldn't go ouside and escape as i was inside the airport terminal. It was absolutely terrifying i can't even explain it in words.

Then i had only 10 minutes left to board my flight and i felt so terrified of feeling like this on the plane.. i was so close to cancelling the flight because i couldn't see any way to be on the plane in this state. Then this happened... I suddenly got so angry at the anxiety and thought '**** you anxiety, i'm just going to do this. I'm so completely done with this panic. and some more curse words at anxiety' I was genuinely very angry at the anxiety and just didn't care anymore. And then the weirdest thing happened, within a minute i went from feeling completely terrified to not scared at all anymore... The whole plane ride i was fine too, just feeling angry at how this anxiety has been ruining my life..

I'm amazed by how quick this shifted from full blown panic, to feeling quite ok. I'm still a bit confused by this. Anyone experience something like this?

25-11-21, 21:38
Classic panic attack.
..and, yes, I successfully stopped heart palpitations by become so genuinely angry at them that I shouted 'if I'm going to die.....let me die already or f**k off! all while bashing on my chest. I remember the day I did that vividly, after that I was palpitation free for the next 15 years.

25-11-21, 23:31
So good to hear that stopped your fear of palpitations! Im still afraid of the derealization feeling and the losing my mind thoughts, but i'll definitely remember that moment, that panic can go from full blown 100 to nearly 0 rather quickly. For some reason i'm only afraid of mental sensations, and don't care too much for the physical ones

26-11-21, 17:31
Ah yes, the power of the mind - you harnessed successfully what so many with anxiety are unable to get to the point of 'finding'. It was panic, yes, and absolutely with the right responses it can disappear as quickly as it came.

up a ladder
09-12-21, 22:14
Yesterday i had to take a flight to my parents house. As soon as i arrived at the airport i felt very anxious and like i wasn't really there.. A very panicky feeling and strong derealization. I just kept walking up and down the airport trying to calm myself down, as i couldn't really handle sitting still with the feelings. It truly felt like i was going to lose my mind at any moment and couldn't handle anymore of it. It also kept coming in very strong waves. I felt like i couldn't go ouside and escape as i was inside the airport terminal. It was absolutely terrifying i can't even explain it in words.

Then i had only 10 minutes left to board my flight and i felt so terrified of feeling like this on the plane.. i was so close to cancelling the flight because i couldn't see any way to be on the plane in this state. Then this happened... I suddenly got so angry at the anxiety and thought '**** you anxiety, i'm just going to do this. I'm so completely done with this panic. and some more curse words at anxiety' I was genuinely very angry at the anxiety and just didn't care anymore. And then the weirdest thing happened, within a minute i went from feeling completely terrified to not scared at all anymore... The whole plane ride i was fine too, just feeling angry at how this anxiety has been ruining my life..

I'm amazed by how quick this shifted from full blown panic, to feeling quite ok. I'm still a bit confused by this. Anyone experience something like this?

So yes that was panic and probably the best reaction to it you could have. I've bolted from a few situations myself. You kind of faced it head on and got on with it. Well done.