View Full Version : Worried I have bladder Cancer :(

27-11-21, 17:04
This is embarrassing, but for two nights in a row I've wet myself while I sleep. Not the bed, but wet patch on my shorts. Pretty big the first time.

The first night I dreamt I was peeing, and woke up to realize I actually had. Then last night it happened again, but only a small patch.

My head is telling me I've got bladder cancer. My Dad did die from that, and so did his Dad. But I don't have any other symptoms related to that.

The worry is weighting heavy on my head now. I told my partner about it, she said it could be stress as I am under a lot of stress. I thought it might be because the last two nights I've took my meds just before I sleep and that they may have sedated me too much. Or maybe a withdrawal issue from Diazepam or promazine because they've messed up my meds, again. It's still happening lol.

I know it's not normal to have this happen, and it's never happened before, so I am worried.

29-11-21, 14:24
I decided to skip my meds Friday night and Saturday night to see what happens and the incidents didn't occur. I took my meds last night at about 1.30am because I couldn't sleep and within hour or so of falling asleep it happened again. It happened alongside my night terror. So frustrating. The only meds I have available are my promazine and quetiapine.

29-11-21, 17:52
Not sure really what to suggest, obviously it's important for you to continue to take your medication.

Could you discuss it with a GP?

29-11-21, 18:07
It's just really odd because I don't have any other problems, and don't have a weak bladder. I'm going to go back to taking them earlier. I've also got my promazine today, just fetched them from pharmacy.

I'm waiting for GP to do his home visit. They've got to do routine BP, HR etc. and waiting on that appointment so will discuss it then.

Hope all is well Catkins.

30-11-21, 09:38
I took my meds earlier in the day and last night no issues. So strange.

30-11-21, 16:59
That's good news!

03-12-21, 16:20
It seems to have stopped now I'm taking my medications in the daytime. I'm no longer worried. I think stress was a contributor too. I've had my Internet turned off and I now tether to my phone which has limited data per month. This means my Internet is mostly off. A much better life without the Internet!