View Full Version : HBP and damage to system

28-11-21, 18:08
High blood pressure and kidney damage.

My blood pressure is a bit high an I have been asked to monitor it. I started on Saturday and it was not great really really high. 174/108....I was exercising before and not sure if I left a full 30 mins . But it did drop to 123/76 later in day.

Today got 153/96 at 10.00 am but by 2.00 it has dropped to 128/86.

Last 2 nights I have woke up with beating heart and panic symptoms tight chest etc and coupled with cold feet /tiredness/loss of appetite I am concerned that Ihave damaged my circulation system or kidneys. I have had standard blood works done and 3 weeks ago they were clear, do these check kidney function???

Also I have read that nighttime hbp is most dangerous im terrified im going to have a stroke or something. I live alone which just increases the fear factor.

I have noticed also if I'm resting heart rate drops to 75 but if I'm under any stress at all it shoots up to 100. I am not very stress resistant and again how much damage has this done. I feel im basically a ticking time bomb.

I'm now noticing bubbles on surface of urine and have googled it.Bad mistake. I poured water down toilet no bubbles , so definitely me

28-11-21, 20:19
The fact it drops to normal range affirms anxiety is the culprit. Might want to address the real issue as opposed to self testing and ruminating.


29-11-21, 03:20
I hate that doctors ask patients to self monitor bp readings. I get why they do it, but for someone prone to anxiety and obsessive behaviors, it’s massively detrimental to mental health. My only recommendation is to check it the minimum times required each day by your doctor. Then put it away. Try to find ways to combat the anxiety. Those nighttime symptoms you’re describing are textbook nocturnal panic attacks. We’ve all had them and they’re miserable. Learning some breathing and distraction techniques helped me greatly.

29-11-21, 08:56
Hi thank you for replies , I woke suddenly at 3 30...and checke BP...high 144/109 and 98 heart rate. Never got back to sleep and tossed and turned constantly. Been like that for last 3 nights( didn't check bp). Will do it twice per day and try and forget about it. Feel like I'm really struggling at moment

29-11-21, 09:45
This mornings results 132/91 then 2 mins later 141/106... really worried by these figures tried to contact doc, but their message system full up. Work from home alone feeling really isolated anyone else with high BP got any advice.

29-11-21, 20:21
To make matter worse my BP monitor went wrong today kept flashing on and off and I had to buy another one. I then stupidly compared them both as the old one sprang back into life and the new one was giving higher readings, when I compared the 2... my feet have felt cold numb tingly and cold all day and when I press the skin it takes ages for pale colour to go away, is my heart struggling... dreading going to bed tonight.

02-12-21, 22:40
Hey. Im sorry you are going through this [emoji17] I completely understand. I get anxiety from even seeing a bp machine. From past experience I can tell you that monitoring it can just perpetuate a vicious cycle. I recommend talking to the doctor as you said you did. I hope they were able to help. Hugs!!

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05-12-21, 05:12
Hi, I am in the same boat. BP last week when I was highly anxious about a different health issue was OTT.....I was more or less rushed through the clinic to be seen to ensure my BP came down. It did, so they let me go home. However I decided to check myself yesterday and it was awful 181/109, then 165/102, then int he afternoon 165/95 so I decided to put the monitor away. I am currently thinking of all the symptoms, is something going to happen me. I am currently doing round 5 of ivf so I think it may be the medications for that, but who knows. I emailed my clinic and they didnt reply. I feel your anxiety.

07-12-21, 10:56
I re-started monitoring mine again for a week and it does flucuate highest in morning 155/98..worse readings were happening when I was waking up in the night with heart racing. This happened 5 night in a row, and suddenly stopped and BP getting some normal readings now? Hope yours settles soon. I have bit bullet and booked appt with mental health practitioner at drs surgery I do have a basic health plan through work but know I would not follow through on that been there before!

14-12-21, 22:10
I feel for you, I’m in the same situation lm 30 and my blood pressure has been 144/106 and readings around the same for the last two nights. I’m really scared, I always have a high heart rate due to anxiety and my bp is usually on the higher side but it’s never been this high. It’s making me anxious which I know will only make my bp worse but it’s a hard cycle to break as I wasn’t feeling overly anxious when I started monitoring and found it to be too high. I am glad yours has settled a bit, i’m praying mine does!

15-12-21, 10:22
I find if you sit a deep breathe it definitely goes down but itsbeen high again...got 165/93 yesterday morning did deep breathing got it down to 123/90 . I'm back and fwd to docs all the time with various symptoms lately so tired of it. Checking BP not good for anxiety hope you get yours down.

15-12-21, 15:16
Ye I’ve been trying to take deep breaths while doing it too. Mine was 150/101 this morning. I rang my dr they didn’t seem too worried as I’m young, but I’m not really sure that’s a good enough reason to not be concerned as mine was ok over a week ago it’s shot up drastically. They’ve told me to stop monitoring for a couple of days and not to think about it…which is impossible when we are anxious. Then they want me to send readings over three days.

Hopefully it settles for both of us, I was told home bp machines can be quite sensitive although my readings haven’t been this high before when using the same machine!

15-12-21, 15:35
At lunchtime I tried a meditation off of you tube it did seem to help maybe you could give that a go I went down to high normal zone but does flucuate. I have got an appointment on Friday with doc for another health issue, my mind is currently spiraling 😟

16-12-21, 00:56
I’ve been meditating for a while now it used to help but it’s not been the last few weeks which is frustrating. I’m glad it’s helped you a bit today! I completely understand I’ve got a brain and spine mri coming up and lots going on health wise myself. It seems to be one thing after another doesn’t it! I hope everything gets sorted with you!

16-12-21, 08:13
I hope the scans go ok . I'm just so sick of feeling this way and not getting any answers. I'm reaching end of my tether I feel.

16-12-21, 20:34
I too have issues with blood pressure. I see a machine and it goes up. White coat. I get panicking when thought of Dr appointment. I too wake up breathing funny. It's a panic attack. My anxiety takes over. Anxiety is a bad thing. Hope you all feel better.