View Full Version : Weird heart beats?

18-11-07, 01:55
Sometimes when I'm drifting off to sleep I'll feel these strange spasms. Irregular beats possibly.

I remember a few of them.

The one time it was difficult breathing. It felt like I had to CONCENTRATE on breathing. I was still drifting off to sleep despite having to concentrate. Then I had a weird spasm/few irregular heart beats... and then I found myself finding it easier to breathe without concentrating.

I get that feeling of having to concentrate to breathe while I'm trying to get to sleep a lot. I had it last night.

But what exactly are those heart beats? Is it related to anxiety/panic because of the adrelanin it gives me? I don't remember any strange heartbeats in the day time... I'm not entirely sure, I may have, but I can't remember any at the moment.

I've heard of ectopic beats, but I looked it up and didn't understand it, I don't think it sounded like what I get.

Anyone know anything about it?

Would be useful.

18-11-07, 08:40
Hiya Sunshine

This has to be the most common complaint of all anxiety sufferers, the heart.

Now it is always best to pop to the GP for a quick health check just to rule out anything else BUT, and don't panic, most anxiety sufferers get "weird" heart beats.

Anxiety does release chemicals into the bloodstream. And the heart is designed to react to these changes in the bodies chemical makeup (flight of fight, love, etc etc).

Now with anxiety sufferers, we find that these chemicals are generated without the influence of situations, and this then feeds the anxiety and before you know it, you are in a right 2 and 8 worrying about dropping dead any moment.

In the end, these wee skipped beats, pounding heart, thud you can hear in your ears etc are merely just a little anxiety, and nothing to worry about.

Incidently, it is common for these beats to become more apparant at rest, or lying down because that's when we tend to be more tuned into our bodies.



18-11-07, 13:45
So even without actually having a panic attack at that moment in time, you may get random heart beats?

I was thinking that maybe, if I had a panic attack that day, and I stay quite on edge for quite a few hours, my heart beat would be in a funny rhythym, that is not suitable for resting. So I get those spasms because it's trying to put it back into a rythym thats suitable for rest?

Would that make sense or am I just thinking way too much?
