View Full Version : Armpit pain after Flu jab

02-12-21, 14:06
When I had my second covid vaccine 3 months ago, I had pain and swelling in my armpit which lasted a few weeks.

I had my flu jab around 4-5 weeks, and experienced the same symptoms. However I still have some pain, and what I feel is some swelling in my armpit. Getting a bit concerned as although they say this is normal (lymph node swelling, pain), it does say online to contact a doctor if the pain or swelling hasn't gone after 2 weeks.

Has anyone had anything similar? I'm close to ringing the docs because I am getting worried about lymphoma or something because the pain could be coming from a lymph node.

06-12-21, 11:49
Do you think you could be hyper focusing on it? give the doctor a call for some reassurance