View Full Version : Gastric issues feel lousy

02-12-21, 19:19
Had an unexpected episode with my guts last night which has left me feeling low grade lousy today.

Had not long finished eating dinner (it was a little bit spicy as I had overdone it with the ground black pepper) when I felt my stomach 'explode'. Massive stomach ache all around my middle which went on for about 2 hours and I didn't know where to put myself. Threw some Gaviscon down my throat and paracetamol which eventually began to ease the bloating a bit, but felt like the Alien creature was going to burst out of my guts at one point.

Must have been a lot of gas in there which has little by little started coming up and did manage to go to loo this morning which released some pressure, but have felt sore and uncomfortable in my guts all day, almost as if someone has given me a kicking. No temperature or other infection symptoms but have't felt like I could get warm today.

Anyone ever had a reaction like this after eating an irritant? Trusting it was ease off but if anyone has any tips for easing the gut-ache I'd be pleased to know.

02-12-21, 19:52
I use Deflatine which contains simeticone and a hot water bottle. I find it runs into the next day too.

02-12-21, 20:05
Indeed Pulisa - amazing how wretched gastric issues can make you feel. Just feel like I have had a good pounding since yesterday.

Been siting in the warm by the fire all day with hot tea, but might get the hot water bottle out again to warm those aching stomach muscles.

02-12-21, 21:56
A heating pad is my go to solution when I have stuck gas that doesn’t seem to want to move. Instant relief and sometimes helps get things moving. I would imagine a hot water bottle thing would work the same? I hope you feel better soon, that’s just miserable. No more pepper for awhile!