View Full Version : Linear morphea /en coup de sabre scare

03-12-21, 12:57
I am beyond scared. I've noticed one depression on my forehead and one vertical line, this is the picture (https://scontent.fzag3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/263595427_10228525866317377_2036537595102876708_n. jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=419410Ix5zcAX-6fWrU&_nc_ht=scontent.fzag3-1.fna&oh=b6397f61a453f9b792cb8d78280b5dd5&oe=61AEAF1F) when I slightly wrinkle my forehead.
I am so scared that it'll destroy my face and maybe my brain because that's very rare and horrible disease. Google didn't help at all, I am almost sure that I have it.
I try to ignore it but I'll become suicidal if that's the case. I can't be someone who disgusts people, I won't go outside ever anymore if that's the case. :weep:

03-12-21, 13:14

Leaving aside that your photo is of a perfectly normal human head, that's incredibly insulting to people with real facial scarring - including myself.

03-12-21, 13:21
Yeah, I am sorry that I am frigthened to have a disease that attacks brain and internal organs. I won't apologize. I have a scar, I cropped the photo so you can't see it but I have it since my car accident in childhood. I also have so many problems with my health that this would be too much for me to handle.

However, if someone could delete my topic, I would be grateful. I am not insulting anyone.
And no, it's not perfectly normal to have a depression on forehead that didn't exist before.

03-12-21, 13:23
Sorry if I seemed harsh.

People's bodies change as they age, though, and just because you feel afraid it doesn't mean those fears are rational.

03-12-21, 13:24
Thank you. I am sorry. I am not at the good place right now. I am used to my old scar but I've read so many things about that disease that it scared me so much. I really hope that it's due to aging process, I am 36 years old and I've noticed this few months ago.

03-12-21, 13:32
36 was when everything started going weird for me.

I've only read a little bit, but the skin on your forehead looks normal to me, whereas with coup de sabre there'd be a textural change. Not a doctor, but my gut instinct is that you'll be fine.

Also, anyone who mocks how you look is someone you can safely ignore, because they're a jerk.