View Full Version : HELP!!!

03-12-21, 22:41
i just got out of a psych ward self amditted, im 2 days on prozac and im terrified. my hearts pounding and my oxygen drops to 96, please someone try to calm me down im absolutely terrified i dont know whats wrong with me, i swear its something physical the doctors missed!!!

03-12-21, 22:41
im so scared right now its not funny, im scared of my oxygen dropping, im not brathing heavily but im so jittery and freaked out and depressed

03-12-21, 22:47
Hi, ok - I think you should get in touch with your ward, if they are still a contact for you. OR - Somebody must be responsible for your care now you are discharged, did they give you community contacts ? If you are only 2 days on prozac then it may not suit you, if these symptoms are new to you. What reason led you to self-admit ?

03-12-21, 22:49
By the way home pulsometers are notoriously bad at giving inaccurate readings, and anyway 96 percent is in the 'normal reading' category.

(Hyperventilation, if you are doing that due to extreme anxiety, can cause O2 reading changes also, and it does sound like you are panicking badly)

04-12-21, 14:44
im doing ok this morning.. i asked and tbey said that its normal for anxiety to be worse during the first week or two.. i have a 30 day supply of medicine that kills my anxiety off almost instantly..

04-12-21, 14:48
the symptoms arent new, ive always felt them with anxiety. i self admitted because i was extremely scared of seratonin syndrome and my psychiatrist worked with me to see if 20mg would give it to me or not because otherwise i would refuse to try them unless i could in stay somewhere to rule out seratonin syndrome. i have a therapist im in touch with now, its just hard to think i dont have every disease in the book..

04-12-21, 18:31
Ah ok - glad things are on an even keel today and this isn't something that you aren't prepared for and know about. Reading your message at first I wondered if the medication (as it was only 2 days you were on it) was the cause, but it sounds like it was pure panic/anxiety.

04-12-21, 19:06
Ah ok - glad things are on an even keel today and this isn't something that you aren't prepared for and know about. Reading your message at first I wondered if the medication (as it was only 2 days you were on it) was the cause, but it sounds like it was pure panic/anxiety.

yeah i was monitored in the hospital while on my medicine and my vitals were consitantly fine aside from the obvious anxiety ones, being high blood pressure and pulse. today im actually feeling fantastic!! i have a little trouble believing prozac can work that fast, but i havent really had any urges to check any of my gadgets or really care about my heart and lung health whatsoever. i feel like i have a little bit of flu like symptoms right now and im super tired but i was told thats completely normal. im still a little anxious but its not 24/7 panic, all i could ever ask for is i can finally feel nice and calm enough to watch a movie. i hope that this isnt just a placebo and everything im taking is actually starting to help my anxiety because this is wonderful.