View Full Version : How to react and what to do

06-12-21, 08:38
So I've managed to stop myself googling when one of my kids is ill or complaining of something hurting. This is an improvement. However, I'm now really questioning how I'm reacting and whether I'm doing the right thing.

So a couple of weeks ago my son (8) suddenly cried out in pain that his neck hurt on the left side. He was just sitting and chatting to his Nana via WhatsApp. He had the following day off school as he said it still hurt but by the afternoon was outside kicking his football around. This morning we were having breakfast and he started rubbing his neck and saying he had pain again. By the time I dropped him at school he said he was ok.

I'm just not sure how to react. Would it be an overreaction to take him to the doctor? He's been otherwise ok apart from a cold and lots of congestion the last couple of weeks that's coincided with the neck stuff. My husband has also pointed out that he's growing really quick at the moment and throws himself about when he's playing so he's bound to have some aches and pains.

I'm really struggling with how much I'm questioning myself and how I'm "supposed" to react to these things. I always think how would someone who doesn't have health anxiety deal with this? But the truth is, I just don't have a clue anymore 😕

06-12-21, 11:41
If hes had a cold that could definately cause some neck stiffness. Also if he hasnt been sleeping well due to the congestion maybe he has been sleeping on his neck funny. If the pain comes and goes and he is happy to continue with usual activities he sounds ok, If it persists for a week or so, maybe phone the doctors for piece of mind.

07-12-21, 10:35
Thank you for your reply. He didn't mention it yesterday after school or this morning, which was a relief, and he seems absolutely fine.

07-12-21, 12:47
I’m glad he’s feeling better! But I wanted to say that I know the feeling very well about how you’re supposed to act. I never know if I’m over-reacting or whether I’m right to be so upset and worried. I guess it boils down to having to do what feels right to you at the time - even if you regret it later.

None of us are perfect and just muddling through most of the time so be gentle with yourself- you’re just doing your best.

07-12-21, 16:01
I have a 7 year old and no health anxiety around her (only about myself). In this situation I don't think I'd worry much because he's acting normally otherwise, no fever, etc... It's probably just some sore lymph nodes in the neck area from the colds or, like someone else said, from sleeping funny. Because he yelled out in pain so suddenly it could also just be a pinched nerve. That can hurt a lot and take some time to resolve.

But, it's also not irrationally to call the pediatrician if something is bothering him. I'm lucky because our pediatrician is my cousin, so this is something I might just shoot her a text about but not call the office unless it persisted for a good while.

08-12-21, 16:49
Thank you for your reply. I have managed to keep calm. I don't think he needs to see a doctor. Quite difficult at the moment as GPs aren't seeing most people. But he's not complained of it for the last couple of days so hopefully whatever it was has settled down.