View Full Version : Seeing Therapist Friday - At Wit's End - Thinking about literally almost everything

09-12-21, 15:23
(I know that I go into rabies here but I go into other stuff so I figured I'd probably be okay just posting it in the general health anxiety chat.)

I hate that my body can mimic symptoms. It really sucks.

I had brief abdominal pains about half to 3/4ths of a month ago along with weird bowel movements. First it was colon cancer, then it was pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, other kinds of liver cancer, etc etc. I had urine tests and blood tests and they all came back fine. After that it kept changing between the specific types of cancer, and then for a day or two it was HIV because I licked yogurt and there was weird stuff around the place I licked. It was probably dried yogurt. Then my arm felt weird and then I thought it was/is rabies or brain cancer. It still feels weird mind you, but I've backtracked to literally every single damn place I've stayed at for a long period of time for the past 3 months. I've asked almost everyone about bats in their house, or other pets, and every single thing has come up with nothing at all. No bats, all their pets are vaccinated, and all their pets are healthy.

I have a nasty habit where my body will mimic symptoms sometimes, depending on what I'm worried about. Abdominal cancer? Pain and fullness on the sides. Brain cancer? Headache. Rabies? Arm weakness. Itching.

The worst part with the rabies one so far is that anxiety and abdominal pain are part of it, and I legit sometimes can't tell if it's just the anxiety or something worse. I don't remember a bat or anything like that, and the only animal I recall nipping me was a puppy, who was probably vaccinated and regardless of that is still alive that nipped me on the hand and, to my knowledge, was only inside the day I was there.

I'm talking to my therapist again on Friday. I have no idea why, but I've been good at handling my hypochondria episodes except for this prolonged one.

Any reassurance would help, I guess. I don't know, I kind of just want to vent.