View Full Version : left eye problems continuing some help please

18-11-07, 18:38
Hi Guys & Gals,

A couple of days ago I was carrying on about my left eye and how it felt strange but there was nothing actually wrong, like no double vision, no real spots, just some aches and pains and it just feels different.

I went to the opticans and he did a fancy test and what not recons there is nothing wrong with my eyes in fact the script I have for reading glasses isn't even needed, I have some far sightedness but at my age it shouldn't make a difference. I mentioned the problem and he said I could be noticing a difference because of a bit of eye strain....but I can't accept it

I am going insane today thinking it is a brain tumour, I can't even bring myself to google this. My mom says I should go to the doctor but the doctors just keep refering me to medication and saying it's just anxiety. I even mentioned it to my therapist but she didn't seem to concerned.

Please someone has anybody had something similar for this length of time? does it or will it go away? do people get this when they are anxious or stressed? I just need someone to help cause tonight I feel like I am going insane.

sorry to moan and complain I just need some support tonight my family are just not helping

thank you

19-11-07, 22:29
Hello, I think i know what you are going through. I've been suffering with health anxiety for a couple of years now which started with me worrying about my eyes. I know from my experience back then that a brain tumor that is affecting the eyes can be seen very easily by a doctor or optician and they are trained to spot them just by looking into your eyes so as you have seen an optician you can rule that out. Also please don't google it because that is what i did and it was the worst thing i could ever have done. I found that what ever symptoms i typed in horrific diseases popped up and scared the hell out of me. Anyone can put "medical advice" on the internet whoever they are so you have no way of knowing what you are getting if you know what i mean. Plus google doesn't know you and your health history like your doctor does so you just get a worst case scenario type thing.

Have you had any upheavals in your life or anything that you think might be causing your anxiety? I am new to this site so won't have seen anything that you have posted perviously. Mine was caused by a bereavement.

I think when we are very anxious and start focusing on our health we notice all sorts of bodily things that we didn't before. We become hyper senstive to it. Plus all the adrenalin rushing around your bady from the anxiety causes weird feelings all by itself.

Hope this helps a bit.

19-11-07, 22:51
Hi Jane,

I get lots of problems with my left eye, it feels like an ache right behind it. I know that its down to anxiety with me like a lot of symptoms I get. You are not alone.

C :)

20-11-07, 01:05
thank you for your replies...I know I am ultra stressed atm with all sorts, it's getting me down a lot because it's affecting my life with my family, I am so stressed all the time that I just don't enjoy being with them...I did actually google sympoms for a brain tumour and I can happily report that I don't have one :) so it's not a huge panic anymore...it's more of a fear. But thank you for taking the time to respond everybit is a comfort :)