View Full Version : Feel like I was made to suffer please read and respond

15-12-21, 03:17
I know I’m gonna sound crazy but been wondering why I suffer every second of everyday. Not just with all the anxieties but in other ways it too much to the point thing s always go wrong it makes me wonder if there is a reason for it. I searched and karma came up not from this life but supposedly when your suffer it’s karma from a past life they call it karmic debt number.

I did my number and ofc it’s worse number a 16 it says I’ll do nothing but suffer. I wouldn’t say I believed in this stuff but I have suffered and not just that I did all my families number my grandma who died of cancer thing most afraid of has this number now I’m very worried I’m doomed. I’ve also read this
According to the Law of Karma, we are born with a karmic heritage from our previous life which is individual to us. This decides the nature of our suffering. But suffering is imperative to cleanse out our past debts, there is no other way. Yet, how we choose to suffer is an act (action/karma) in itself.

15-12-21, 03:23
I won’t get into my own beliefs on karma, but I will say that if you are susceptible to suggestion, it’s best to not go seeking out this type of stuff on the Google. So much of these things are subject to interpretation, and unfortunately the HA mind can take a blue cloudless sunny day and turn it into the apocalypse. Once your mind interprets it a certain way, it can be super difficult to change that thought pattern. Just best to avoid these areas of study altogether until you’re able to read and process it rationally, if even then!!

15-12-21, 04:39
Well put, Glassgirl.

I'm trying not to be overly cruel here, but OP, maybe get yourself off Google and find something constructive to do? Spirituality is vague and nebulous, but we can make real changes to the life we currently live.

15-12-21, 05:34
Your right I understand it’s just I guess perfect for my ocd to attach to since all this stuff is unknown. I made my mistake of reading an article about health probs you could have with each number and my number said stuff like blood probs which I have low iron I worry this makes it true

15-12-21, 08:31
This is a bit like reading your horoscope and believing that the prediction will happen to you....along with millions of others born under the same star sign.

Best to steer well clear of this stuff which certainly won't help you to manage OCD/anxiety.

15-12-21, 10:49
I always got into this stuff cause I wanted to believe in predicting finding soulmate and I went on these pick a card general reading of tarot on YouTube when I get positive readings it makes me feel good even if ain’t real but I want the good things to be true but if believe the good that mean the bad things too. I hope I’m not sounded crazy. The two reading I did said in order to meet this guy have to go through loss of a someone close to like a pet and that really made me sad since that’s been a worry of mine I worry to find someone have to lose those I care about it really made me worry it’s true cause it was too diffferent readings and I just don’t know anything anymore

15-12-21, 20:34
Any advice

15-12-21, 20:39
Yes. This is nonsense and you need to keep reminding yourself of the fact.

15-12-21, 20:41
stop reading it and move on - ignore whatever it says

18-12-21, 00:56
Last thing this specific tarot reading was telling online that the cards predict death illness other stuff they seem to say it as a fact and a lot of people believe them. I don’t want to but what if you hey are right they thin you could predict everything and know when someone dies from their chart or something. I don’t to believe what others do but still there’s a lot in life we don’t know and i worry if this all true