View Full Version : I am aware of the left side of my face….

16-12-21, 15:27
Hi guys

Thought I would write a quick post before I spiral out of control….as the title says I am finding myself very aware of the left side of my face it’s not numb or painful I can just feel it if that makes sense….I have health anxiety and of course I’m thinking next stop is a stroke!

I have problems with my ears in that they don’t seem to get rid of wax themselves so I have to have them syringed now and then the last time was a few weeks ago I was referred to the hospital to have it done since the surgery isn’t doing it at the minute because of Covid so I ended up paying £55 and having it done at a local opticians it did the job but it’s building back up again I’m getting the slight loss of hearing occasional headache

Anyway I’m wondering if my face is because of my ear I also have a cyst behind my left ear the same ear I’m having trouble with that the doc said was fine but I wonder if it’s pressing on a nerve or something

I am a terrible teeth grinder when I’m asleep 😬 been moaned at about that all my life and depending how my anxiety is it can get really bad so maybe that has played a part as well

I just wondered if anyone had ever had anything similar it’s doing my head in

Many thanks guys x

16-12-21, 15:39
Frankly, despite the ear wax thing (which wouldn't affect the entire side of your face), it sounds like you're hyper-focusing and allowing your anxiety to make a mountain out of a molehill. And yes, teeth grinding can cause residual sensations in the jaw area.


16-12-21, 20:02
Hi fmp

Thanks for your reply

I’m getting little niggles in my ear not pain just I don’t know what really like movement sometimes it feels like it’s all up my face and over my head other times not there at all

Sometimes it’s accompanied by panicky feelings like something is going to happen

Trying to keep it at bay as best I can

Thanks again x

22-12-21, 15:19
Omg I have this exact same thing! I am always aware of the left side of my face so it often feels "off". I also noticed that this side of my face moves slightly differently. For example if I do a very wide smile the left side of my lip doesn't go up as high as the right and I can't wink with my left eye. This sent me into a huge spiral of "omg I had a stoke at some point" but my logical side says it's my non dominant side and it's just different. So while I don't have any advice for you just know you're not alone.

23-12-21, 01:17
I'm sure you are hyperfocused, but some of it could be TMJ if you grind your teeth. I have TMJ and get left side ear fullness and sometimes jaw pain and just overall muscle tension mostly on that side of my face. You could talk to your dentist about a nightguard to help.

23-12-21, 08:42
I have this occasionally. In fact I've had it the last couple of days. It frightened me to start with but when I mentioned it at a neurology appointment (for migraine), the neurologist was very dismissive. I've since assumed it was my anxiety causing it. I've had palpitations and pain under my left ribs - both anxiety. Our minds are so influential on our physical wellbeing. I've seen this in patients I've treated for cancer. Those with a positive mental attitude tend to have fewer and less severe side effects. The mind is very powerful.

23-12-21, 14:11
Hello. This very much sounds like you are hyperfocusing. I hope you feel better soon.