View Full Version : Pls help re: chest pain

18-11-07, 21:02
Can someone pls help. Today I have started getting really bad chest pains, they are sharp shooting pains around left breast bone and just under ribs. I have had chest pains before with my anxiety but these ones really scared me and I felt panic starting.

does anyone else get these??


18-11-07, 22:20
Hello, sorry you are having problems. I do have a lot of pain sometimes with wind. Very stubborn to shift trapped wind and mine eventually goes although sometimes it has lasted longer than a day. Very uncomfortable and can't take a deep breathe in sometimes either. You can also feel it going around your ribs. I have had this loads of times and can normally put it down to something. However, if this is something new for you and it feels different or you are concerned then get it checked out just to be sure.
Do you feel any better now?

19-11-07, 10:14
Thanks I do feel alot better now, I decided to go to bed last night as I was getting myself stressed. Once I went to bed and relaxed it did eventually go away.

I have felt it before just not for awhile
