View Full Version : Scared about permanent Tinitus after dentist need reassurance

17-12-21, 21:38
Hi there, week and a half ago on monday the 6th December i went to the dentist for wisdom tooth ache, i got roped into getting a filling and getting my teeth deep cleaned by hygienist. My stupidity didn't think about this before, i could have said no and do it another time, anyway, over a week later i feel i can hear ringing in my ears for 3 or 4 days now when im trying to sleep. Im worried the dentist damaged my ears with his ultrasonic drills, it was very loud at the time.

Scared that the ringing will never go away and i will have to live with it forever and its making me depressed as I read there's no cure. Can anyone chat?

18-12-21, 19:19
that can't happen from a dentist drill

18-12-21, 19:42
Why not? Can a one time thing trigger it or does it need to be repetitive exposure

18-12-21, 21:17
can you imagine if everyone got it from a filling?

18-12-21, 21:55
can you imagine if everyone got it from a filling?



19-12-21, 00:43
Im really scared, i cant sleep because of the ringing. I am having trouble getting an appointment at the doctors because of covid.

19-12-21, 01:01
Let us know what the doctor says...


19-12-21, 17:33
I have tinnitus. At first it was really annoying and sometimes still is, but mostly I’ve gotten used to it and don’t even notice it.

My bet is that yours will go away. Lots of people have tinnitus though. Most of the time our brains learns to ignore it.

I hope you feel better soon.

Happy Holidays 🎄

19-12-21, 18:20
I have had tinnitus, it was very annoying I was opening the bedroom window,I thought someone had left an engine running, after a while I went to see my GP. I cann't remember what medication I was given. (tablets). anyway they made no difference. It went away on its own. My sister in law has it , but it comes and goes'
Hope uou feel better soon. xxx

20-12-21, 08:44
I've got tinnitus in my left year after years of playing in bands and recording with headphones at high volumes. I wear ear plugs now to avoid more damage.

But, the good news is that your body can adapt to cope with and ignore it. It also either disappears in some cases, or comes and goes. Mine is like a high pitched frequency, but it gets worse with stress, and worse if I've been somewhere with loud noises. It then returns to 'norma' after a day or so.

However, I can honestly say I've never had an issue after dentist appointments.

If you do have trouble sleeping, a little tip which helped for me was to sleep with a white noise on - radio turned to a blank frequency, a fan....or you can get apps on your phone which play white noises like hoovers, rain, ocean waves etc. I find that actually quite calming, so use it all the time now!

23-12-21, 02:04
I have a trifecta of tinnitus in one ear (low bass rumble muscle spasm type, high hiss, AND pulsatile) and it is absolutely linked to stress, and it can absolutely be triggered by a sound, or having your head or jaw in a position you're not used to (...which can happen in the dentist's chair.)
The best thing is to try to tune it out, literally or mentally/emotionally. If you listen to it, it will seem worse.
That said, there's an excellent tinnitus forum out there. I can't remember the name, but this is one case where I think you can safely google it.

Best of luck!!