View Full Version : Please help! Spiralling like crazy

18-12-21, 19:02
Hello everyone. I’ve been doing so well but I’m currently in a panic I’ve been in for over a hour now. I was walking in the cold outside with my boyfriend around the Xmas markets and going indoors to the warm too. Wore a mask the whole time.
The whole day I was trying to be calm BUT I had this nagging feeling in the back of my throat where the hole is (if you know where I mean) like every time I breathe it tickles a bit. I’m very very worried of covid which is why it scares me.
Then we got in the car and I thought I was short of breath and couldn’t breathe properly with the tickle as well. This sent me into a full on burning face on fire panic attack. An hour or so later and it’s still going. I’ve just done a negative lateral flow, I’m fully jabbed. But I’m still scared. It’s like a tickle where I almost want to cough. And my throat feels strained from deep breaths.

Please please help. I haven’t had a panic like this in almost a year. Constantly shaking like a leaf. Keep trying to calm and I can’t seem to Cus I can feel that damn tickle.

Thank you so much for reading please help me

Katie xxxx

20-12-21, 18:04
Anyone? I’ve tried to calm down so much but I feel as if the tickle is still there and I don’t know why. My breathing feels so strained. Im so angry at myself because I was doing so well but this has hit me so hard :-(

20-12-21, 19:20
Do you think that all the recent news about the new varient could be making you feel more anxious? If that has been playing on your mind and then you're out amongst people that can definitely bring on a panic attack and surrounding anxiety. You have done everything you can to protect yourself.

If you're really concerned that you might have Covid please go and have a PCR test. They are more accurate than lateral flows and they are just as easy to perform.

21-12-21, 05:29
Do you think that all the recent news about the new varient could be making you feel more anxious? If that has been playing on your mind and then you're out amongst people that can definitely bring on a panic attack and surrounding anxiety. You have done everything you can to protect yourself.

If you're really concerned that you might have Covid please go and have a PCR test. They are more accurate than lateral flows and they are just as easy to perform.
Thank you so so much for your reply. My boyfriend recently had covid so I think that’s what spiked the anxiety for me.
I’ve done about 9 lateral flows in the past few days (obsessively) (all negative) and I’ve just booked a PCR because you’re right.. more accurate which will bring more reassurance I Hope.
I’ve sat all night so frightened. I’ve tried to relax but I can’t seem to reassure myself (and I did get good at it). The tickle was there tonight and now I feel like I’ve got very tight chest and throat. I’ve convinced myself I’ve got covid and it’s gonna be a horrendous one. All I can see is images in my mind of hospital beds and ventilators and adamant I’ll end up on one. I’ve been on a long walk today, yesterday and. The day before… to try and reassure myself it’s anxiety. I swear the feelings are so strong, it’s crazy to believe that’s all it is! I guess only time will tell.. but the waiting game is just awful 😞 so disappointed I got this bad again. I wonder why we relapse so badly!

21-12-21, 07:19
You have done everything you can to prevent yourself from either getting it or getting it seriously. Do you have any underlying health conditions?

21-12-21, 19:03
You have done everything you can to prevent yourself from either getting it or getting it seriously. Do you have any underlying health conditions?

Thank you. No I don’t! Just Really really bad anxiety. I’m Half wondering if poking the back of my throat and nose every single day for weeks whilst obsessively testing has given be a tickle in my throat? Maybe I’ve damaged something. I dunno :( I just want all these terrifying sensations to go away! X

21-12-21, 22:04
It could well have done.

I had a positive PCR at the weekend, I'm 54, a smoker, a little overweight, triple jabbed and so far I'm doing fine. I've got a cough and the occasional headache, but in all honesty I've been to work and carried on with every day living feeling far worse than I do at the moment. If I continue the way I am I'll be happily making Christmas dinner on Saturday (when my isolation ends). I'm telling you this because you are triple jabbed with no underlying health conditions so in all likelihood would be in the same position as me.

Anxiety is just awful, but keep doing all you can to relax and distract yourself, carry on being safe in your every day living. You can get through this.

21-12-21, 22:17
I was at the hospital two weeks ago. There was this guy without a mask coughing like crazy beside me in the cramped seating area, then I heard that he actually had covid and he was taken to the covid ward. I was only wearing a thin cloth mask. I was really really paranoid I would get it and so angry at this guy for coughing all over me. But I still didn’t get it. If you’re double jabbed and wore your mask it’s such a tiny risk of getting it it’s almost negligible especially out in the fresh air.

23-12-21, 02:06
It could well have done.

I had a positive PCR at the weekend, I'm 54, a smoker, a little overweight, triple jabbed and so far I'm doing fine. I've got a cough and the occasional headache, but in all honesty I've been to work and carried on with every day living feeling far worse than I do at the moment. If I continue the way I am I'll be happily making Christmas dinner on Saturday (when my isolation ends). I'm telling you this because you are triple jabbed with no underlying health conditions so in all likelihood would be in the same position as me.

Anxiety is just awful, but keep doing all you can to relax and distract yourself, carry on being safe in your every day living. You can get through this.

Bless you, I hope you’re feeling much better now! I think mine must be anxiety. I’ve noticed at work tonight that I can hear a whistle when I breathe out? Then started thinking asthma? Which I’ve never had before? My air pipe just feels so choked up and tight! So uncomfortable! I can’t wait for this to be over. I feel like I’m gonna be in bed all Christmas unable to enjoy with family because I’ve gone that far down the rabbit hole again :-( it’s been 6 days and nothing dreadful has come of these feelings yet.. even tho they’re unbearable so im hoping it’s just anxiety and horrid sensations! Xxxx

23-12-21, 02:08
I was at the hospital two weeks ago. There was this guy without a mask coughing like crazy beside me in the cramped seating area, then I heard that he actually had covid and he was taken to the covid ward. I was only wearing a thin cloth mask. I was really really paranoid I would get it and so angry at this guy for coughing all over me. But I still didn’t get it. If you’re double jabbed and wore your mask it’s such a tiny risk of getting it it’s almost negligible especially out in the fresh air.
Thank you for your reply. It’s horrible isn’t it! So easy to get freaked out.. espesh because he had no mask as well!!!