View Full Version : Very cloudy urine

19-12-21, 16:26
Hi All,
I had been doing much better with my health anxiety, then I moved and had a close friend die. Of course, my dysfunctional way of dealing with stress is health anxiety and it’s hit me hard.

My question has to do with super cloudy urine. A couple of weeks ago, I used the restroom at a store and dripped a bit of urine onto the toilet seat. The urine had a pinkish tint to it, so when I got home I peed into a cup to see if it had just been the lights in the store or whatever. Wow!!! What came out of me didn’t even look like urine. It was a yellow color, but was as opaque as gravy. My next void was clear.

Has anyone else had urine that was this cloudy before?

I had an appointment with my new urologist a few days after this event and mentioned the cloudy urine to him. He wasn’t concerned. I’m worried now, though, that I didn’t explain well enough to him just how cloudy the urine was.

I can’t start checking my urine every time I go. It will send me down an ugly rabbit hole.

Thanks in advance. 🎄

19-12-21, 18:10
The urologist wasn't concerned so no need to take this further. Case closed.

You know what will happen if you allow your HA thoughts to overrule what a specialist has told you so it's entirely down to you now as to whether you choose to go down that hole.

I know you'll stay out and keep your head above ground. Have a happy Christmas and it's good news that the urologist gave you reassurance.

21-12-21, 18:13
If the doctor wasn't worried I wouldn't be either. The urine would be much cloudier in a cup because it's not bring diluted by thr toilet water. I'll get cloudy urine now and then and it's usually if I haven't had enough to drink or if I've eaten too much sugar.

23-12-21, 14:02
I notice cloudy urine when i havent drunk enough water. The urologist isnt concerned and it sorted itself out. No need to worry here :)

24-12-21, 16:04
Thank you, everyone, for your replies. I appreciate your kindness!!!