View Full Version : Freckles!

19-11-07, 02:46
I'm posting this in the hope it might help.

When I was young and at work, I found I was worrying about every new freckle or lump etc. I remember going to the doctor and asking about a freckle. He smiled at me and showed me his! He was literally covered in them! It fascinated him that I was worrying about just one!

Later I can remember finding lumps etc and every time popping in to see the doctor on my way home from work. Every time I was reassured but the anxiety would re-surface in something else I'd found.

I put it down to stress and boredom because they made me focus on these things. Once I relieved the stress and kept my mind occupied on complex things to solve, the anxiety about these things also went.

I decided to really get to know my body. I examined myself from top to toe so I knew what was and wasn't there. Anything that bothered me I'd ask the doctor. Once they'd all been covered and I'd been reassured, if anything new turned up I'd know and only then if I was concerned I'd get it checked.

Years later I was in the shower and felt a lump on my leg. It was really pronounced and yet I didn't seem to feel as anxious as in all the other times before. I saw the doctor who told me if it didn't go down, they may need to operate. Within a few days it just went down and the doctor said I must have twisted a vein. It was because I knew my body that I noticed it.

A psychologist once told me, "The more you feel you have, the more anxious you'll feel about losing it". In other words, when we're young we feel we have more to lose than when we're old so as you get older, in this aspect, the anxiety can lower.

I've always found a combination of stressed boredom caused my anxieties so doing things engrossing or really enjoyable helped to stop me worrying so much because they kept my mind focussed.

19-11-07, 04:21
Great post. Having too much time on my hands or being stressed definitely tends to heighten my health anxiety, but I've found that in a lot of cases, especially if i'm *really* worrying about something, keeping busy just tends to make it recede for a bit rather than send it away for good. As soon as I have some downtime it's there again, ready to pounce!

For instance, a big hobby of mine is playing the guitar but I find that as much as I love it and want to focus all my attention on it, sometimes I just can't force my mind away from whatever symptoms I'm currently worrying about to concentrate on playing.

I also find that I often worry about things that just defy all rationality - it doesn't matter that I KNOW that what's concerning me is ridiculous, I still can't stop it assuming these monstrous proportions in my mind.

20-11-07, 01:08
thanks for the posting Bill, it really does put it into prospective! I only started to worry after I had my son and realised how much I have to lose in life. Best I get a really engrossing hobby :) besides Googling my symptons

20-11-07, 02:00
I just found that when I felt Really stressed but Really bored, my mind would look for something to worry about which would often be something about my body or the symptoms the stress was creating.

Once I relieved my stress And found something I really enjoyed to focus the mind then my mind wouldn't wander.

After meeting my wife with her illness, I found a new job, got engaged and married, and moved into our first house all in the Same year. From having nothing, it felt I had everything together with Alot of stress. After 5 years coping with the stress, my mind couldn't take anymore and I got "very ill". That's when the psychologist told me "The more you have, the more you fear losing, the more stress you feel, the more anxious you become and focus on negative worries, the more ill you get........until you learn to cope and ease the pressures".....in so many words!

If you have a really interesting hobby, it helps to focus the mind, not only while you're doing it but also something to think about and look forward to when you're not But it's only really effective once the stresses in your life are eased, but a hobby also helps to do just that.

These days I just feel I've far more other things to worry about and occupy my mind than what my anxiety is making me feel!:winks: