View Full Version : Cramp in leg and after pain lasting days

20-12-21, 22:39
Hi all,

I’m still freaking out despite speaking to 111 and getting a pharmacist to look at my leg but it’s so painful and I can’t walk properly.

On Friday night I had cramp but didn’t think anything else of it. I’ve had cramp before. The next day I could barely walk, it was so painful and tight! Of course I’ve been panicking because I’m convinced I have a DVT. I called 111 and they said it doesn’t sound like a DVT but to get it checked out with a pharmacist or GP. I went to two pharmacies just to be sure and both said it’s not a DVT and it’ll go away. It’s not swollen or hot but just really really sore and it doesn’t seem to be getting better. I also have a cold and ache all over which isn’t helping. I have googled it non-stop since Saturday morning despite my reassurances. I hate worrying so much and I know I have health anxiety but it doesn’t stop it feeling any more real does it 😢

Any reassurance from fellow worriers would be much appreciated x

21-12-21, 06:50
I don’t know too much about cramp, but I know it hurts, and it makes sense that those inflamed muscles might hurt a bit.

I don’t want to trigger you, but it’s not getting worse, your worry about it is. Also if you keep focusing on it, it will keep hurting. It may be part of your muscle aches from your cold too.

3 professionals have told you that it’s not Dvt, so maybe it’s time to trust them.

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23-12-21, 14:44
My husband gets terrible leg cramps. The number of times I've woken to him in the night suddenly screaming and thrashing about! No wonder. Have anxiety!

For him, a deep cramp can leave his leg feeling bruised and sore for a few weeks. Hes been to doctors over the years and they have given him some exercises to try and those do help a bit. He's also taking magnesium for his cramps (though always speak with a doctor or pharmacist before taking anything). He was also told to drink the juice from a pickle jar when he feels a cramp coming on. Not sure why that helps but it does!

Anxiety will make you focus on the pain. And that will make you tense. And tension isn't good for cramps or aches!