View Full Version : Christmas and health anxiety

22-12-21, 05:52
Hello friends,

Just posting to say that if you, like me, find your health anxiety really ramps up this time of year, I see you.

It's wearisome, but I have faith that it will get better. I know I'm not as bad this year as I have been in others and given my mental state recently, that's a big win.

Wishing you all the very best for this season and thinking of everyone who won't be seeing their family or friends again due to Omicron.

23-12-21, 14:01
I feel you and see you. Every christmas I manage to convince myself there is something seriously wrong with me around christmas time. Usually, turns out to be something minor. This year I have COVID :D all ok very mild symptoms and in a way has been a distraction from convincing myself theres something serious going on.

23-12-21, 14:44
Same to you Carrie - wishing you the best this Christmas time.

23-12-21, 16:46
Happiest of holidays to all.

Carrie, this post is spot on. Thank you for it.

23-12-21, 19:10
I agree with you. My health anxiety is very high. And just lost two people I knew. Winter is very bad for me. My health anxiety is working ot
Wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Positive thoughts come your way!

23-12-21, 19:45
I think "occasions" are always triggering with HA. Plenty of scope to ruminate on worse case scenarios.

Thinking of everyone who is struggling..especially those who have been recently bereaved and for whom Christmas could well be a challenge xx