View Full Version : Referral to specialist - probable colonoscopy [27/M]

22-12-21, 19:40
Hi all,

I know I'm probably worrying about nothing but would be grateful for insights/reassurance/logic.

For just over a year I've had a change in bowel habits (increased frequency), and bright red blood when wiping (not much - just streaks). I've had bloating for several years, mainly right sided. I've had rectal bleeding on and off for many years, and about 6/7 years ago had a severe bout that lasted weeks, but was resolved with OTC treatments.

Seen Dr various times over the past year, he's run bloods, faecal calprotectin, coeliac tests and done a digital/rectal exam all of which were fine. However, he has decided to refer me to a specialist, citing 'persevering symptoms'. Ultimately the consultants call, but Dr expects a colonoscopy, or at least a sigmoidoscopy.

Overall I'm pleased, I've long since thought a colonoscopy would give peace of mind (though I did not ask for or suggest). However, the HA leads to thoughts of 'what if they find something' and then the rabbit hole of thinking I've had these current symptoms for over a year, and related symptoms for many more, if there is something it's been left for so long... you know the drill.

I'd be grateful for advice/thoughts/reassurance.

22-12-21, 19:44
At least in the US usually if there is blood they do a colonoscopy. I had one 3 years ago for the same reason. Same thing, a little blood wiping and bloating and such.

I am about to have another 3 years later, no blood but I actually feel worst than before overall.

Colonoscopies are not so bad, the prep is a little annoying but you are in and out in an hour or so and then you will be able to know if there is indeed anything wrong with you. But at 27 its most likely a hemmie really.

23-12-21, 14:40
My husband had very similar symptoms, though he was 39 at the time. He went to the doctor who did a physical exam and said likely hemorrhoids but referred him for a colonoscopy just in case.

The prep wasn't fun for him but the procedure was fine (right at the start of the pandemic when things were very tense, unsure, and scary). His colonoscopy came back clear except for internal and external hemorrhoids. And upon further examination, we discovered he has a wheat sensitivity that exacerbates many of his issues.