View Full Version : My mole has changed rapidly

29-12-21, 23:17
For a very long time (I believe since childhood) I've had a mole on the side of my hip. It's my largest (I can't find a ruler so I can't measure it unfortunately), is dark and raised. Because it's so prominent I glance at it quite frequently and until now I haven't detected any changes.
A couple of nights ago I accidentally nicked it quite good and it hurt so bad I thought I might have ripped it off. I didn't bother looking at it though because I was so tired. A couple of days go by without looking at it when by chance I happen to notice it, and I was startled to see that in that time a dark red patch has spread out on one side from it by maybe a few millimetres. I've never had a mole do this before. I'm terrified that this is almost certainly melanoma. I'm getting it looked at by the doctor tomorrow, but I'm terrified that it's too late.
Is there any way this could not be cancer? I'm really hoping it's a bruise or inflammation from hurting it the other night. I just don't have much hope at the moment.

30-12-21, 05:51
This is another cause and effect thing; you caught it, of course it's going to be inflamed. I honestly wouldn't worry if I were you.

30-12-21, 06:12
Thanks Iris. I really wish I didn't go looking up images on google - for every one which is reassuring, there are 100 which say 'alert':emot-crying:

30-12-21, 07:17
I know it's easier said than done, but you don't need to worry about the images because you have a logical reason for your mole to be reddened.

02-01-22, 08:59
I saw the doc a couple of days ago and they said it looked most likely to be a bruise, but got me a referral to be safe. As of today the redness has faded considerably, so naturally I feel much relieved. I'm definitely going to take this as a lesson not to panic about minor symptoms in the future - the fact I was so convinced this time is a big signal that I should really leave the diagnosing to professionals.
Thanks so much for your advice! It really helped calm me down!:D

02-01-22, 12:33
Hiya, my partner has a raised mole (around 5mm across) on her lower back. Last year she caught it while putting a t-shirt or something on, and it became a little bit inflamed as you describe - redness around it, and also a little more raised than normal. She went to the docs, and they said it looks a bit irritated and to come back if it changes more. But it calmed down after a few days and more or less returned to it's normal look.