View Full Version : Lingering cough 4 days after cold

30-12-21, 21:51
I had a really bad cold last week that lasted over a week for me to get over. I had a sore throat, stuffy nose, and sinus pain. I tested negative for COVID.

Anyways, it’s been 4 days since my sore throat and stuffed nose went away but I can’t get over this cough. I think it’s from post nasal drip, but it bothers my chest. I have an irritated feeling from coughing, not sure how to get over it or soothe it.

Im also trying not to overthink that it’s something bad.

30-12-21, 22:11
My most recent discovery for my covid/post-covid cough is Broncostop. It tastes disgusting but it does seem to help.

Whenever I get a cold/virus I end up with a cough that lingers. Also find honey and lemon sucking things help. It's still early days so your body will take a while to get over it.

30-12-21, 22:34
but I can’t get over this cough.

4 days is literally nothing for coughs after a cold - they can last weeks. Our NHS site says 'see your GP if it lasts over 3 weeks after a cold' or of course if it gets worse or there are other symptoms/

31-12-21, 12:27
I had my cough for about 5 weeks

31-12-21, 14:56
I had my cough for months and even people at work where commenting about it how long I had had it I could not get rid of it but its finally gone a few weeks ago I wouldn't worry about its easier said than done I know but iam sure you will be OK

31-12-21, 16:14
The cough is the last to go unfortunately. Whenever I get a chest cold/infection it’s a good month before my cough disappears.

31-12-21, 23:55
Thank you everyone! I appreciate all your responses.

I still have a cough, but now it is with some thick white phlegm in my throat. I don’t really think it’s a cough anymore, I am only coughing because I’m trying to remove the white phlegm from my throat, if that makes sense.

Anyone know what white thick phlegm could mean?

01-01-22, 11:49
Got stinking cold like you described now & my wife. Cough is always the last to go. Thickening phlegm is just the next stage of a cold after steaming, think it's something to do with our bodies releasing more white blood cells to kill off the bug, when I get it I like to think it's a sign my body is winning the cold battle ;)

01-01-22, 14:28
Hey Tomtom, thank you for responding!
Ahh this cold is terrible, I hope you and your wife feel better soon :)

Haha that’s very interesting!! I really hope it’s the sign that my body is finally winning the cold. Woke up this morning and phlegm isn’t that bad anymore. But throat and chest are still sore from the coughing. Hopefully it continues go get better :)

02-01-22, 10:24
Thanks, exactly the same here, nose better but chest & throat sore/tight from hacking up all the good stuff!

Funny, my kids had same bug, they had headache & fever for 1 day then back to normal. Oldest got nothing, me & my wife got the worst.

Sure we'll all be better in a few days 🙂

07-01-22, 03:25
My brother had a lingering cough for weeks after a cold earlier last year. The chances of it being bad are very low.