View Full Version : feeling of impending doom/thoughts of dying - can anyone relate?

01-01-22, 20:08
I felt like I had gotten to a point where I had a good handle on my anxiety although I have felt a lot of stress recently with work. Had a nice Christmas in our new house but as I was sitting just watching tv last night the thought 'you won't make it another year' flashed through my mind out of the blue and has given me intense fear and anxiety since. I couldn't enjoy New Years Eve at all as I spent so much time trying to rationalise these thoughts. And of course the more I try to get rid of the thoughts, the more they stay. I know rationally it is just a thought but I am struggling to accept that it doesn't hold any more importance than that - or is somehow a 'premonition'.

I have spent today going for a walk and talking with friends on the phone to try and distract myself but I am still struggling as I can't find any examples of other people having this happen or these kind of thoughts just pop into their head.

Can anyone relate or give any word of advice? any would be very much appreciated

01-01-22, 20:16
I can totally relate. I have an inner voice that tells me to do the world a favour and kill myself. It's talking rubbish, of course, so I dismiss it, but it still often wears me down.

02-01-22, 09:02
I sometimes have irrational thoughts myself. Definitely not suicidal per se, but pangs of feeling worthless on the odd occasions and the perception that certain people are out to get me.

I do think the media have a lot to answer for, especially when it comes to scaring us witless into believing there's violent thugs, be they murderers, muggers, burglars, paedos, rapists, terrorists, etc lurking on every street corner waiting to randomly attack us willy-nilly.

Of course, fear sells, whether fully justified or not.