View Full Version : 3 months I've felt this am I making it worse by ha worrying?

02-01-22, 19:32
Since middle of September I've had over acid, reflux, pain on and off across top of tummy at centre base of rib cage, heartburn, acid indigestion, Dr told me to double my lansparosal which I did it did ease it for a week then it came back, with some stress, I'm so worried but also too scared to go back to Dr because I darent have an endoscopy, is the worry making me worse

02-01-22, 19:38
The worry started my gastric problems for me.

If it’s not going I would go back to your doctor and see if they can suggest something else before going down the endoscopy route.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-01-22, 19:51
In addition to the PPI and finding ways to reduce the stress, diet plays a huge part in treating reflux. Look into the FODMAP diet (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/). Keep a journal of what you eat, when and any reaction and modify your diet accordingly. Its done wonders for the wife and I.


04-01-22, 19:31
Yes you are! I had a horrific bout of reflux last month due to a major anxiety spike. I had final exams in law school and the same week found out that a hernia I had repaired earlier this year had recurred - oh and it was the week before Christmas and I had to do all the shopping! I've never had worse pain from reflux ever. It felt like I was being stabbed in the abdomen in the center of my rib cage and the pain wrapped all the way around my back. I could barely even swallow anything because it hurt so much going down. I basically drank hot water with honey and ate crackers for 2 weeks and even that didn't completely help. Then, the day after my last exam it started to subside and as soon as I stopped worrying about the hernia it was completely gone. I couldn't even imagine taking a bite of anything but bread one day and within two days I was back to my normal diet with coffee and everything. I was sure I'd need an endoscopy to diagnose a hiatal hernia or something, but it was entirely the stress!

10-01-22, 21:39
Doubled up on lansparosal still not helping, heartburn,indigestion in Centre of breast bone, trapped wind in chest sometimes going up to throat, whenever I eat, too scared to go back to Dr.
But im thinking about it 24/7 I'm sure it's asking it worse o the visious anxiety cycle of googling.oh goodness

10-01-22, 23:14
Did you review the link I sent on your other post and put it into practice?


11-01-22, 10:28
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


11-01-22, 12:12
Hi,yes I did, I always read and take note of your posts you have been here a long time and I trust your judgement