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View Full Version : Another post about the dreaded “ninja bat”

Inspector javert
03-01-22, 20:21
CW: rabies, mention of death

Tl;Dr: *worried a rabid bat bit me while I slept and/or on a walk.

*having trouble swallowing after a nasty sneeze(this has improved somewhat but still pops up.

• ⁠worried it’s going to get worse and I’m just 7 days of misery from death.

So I've always had a fear of rabies ever since I was a child. At first it was a fear of having to get the shots now however its the fear of either not noticing a bat bite or getting bit by a pet that has the virus but no one realizes it. I had a lot of success with therapy helping me rid myself of worries about the virus but occasionally I have flare ups.

I happen to be having one right now as I got cocky thinking I had overcome my illness to the point where I could read about the House episode where that was the ultimate diagnoses (House is a great show but its terrible for health anxiety) and when I got home that morning (night shift FTW) the door to my house was open due to a faulty doorknob (I checked the house and nothing was stolen and there was no sign of a break in thank God). Still my current worries are that a bat somehow got in and has bitten me without my noticing and now the countdown is on until I develop symptoms.

This has only been made worse because I noticed a bunch of scratches on my left arm ( and more recently my leg) that look to me like bat scratches and bites so now every bit of fatigue, every sneeze, every swallow makes every ache in the affected arm or leg me fear I’ve got rabies and I’m about to die a horrible death and never get to see my little nephew again.

Friday I had particularly nasty sneeze while I had my head tucked into my chest so I could sneeze into my sleeve and now my throat hurts and have trouble swallowing. Which is of course a major rabies symptom. So now I feel like this is the last 7 days of my life which will be filled with terror, pain and misery for me and my family. I know how dumb and pathetic it sounds writing it out but I feel pretty miserable, and to add to the fun I’m only 2 hours into my shift at work so I get to spend the next 6 hours working while terrified I’m about to die.

I don’t want to go to the doc and waste their time with my worries, especially since it’s too late for me to be saved if I were exposed, since I already “have symptoms “.

I’ve searched this sub and am glad to see I’m not the only one who feels this way how do you guys deal with it and why do you think this fear is so common?

Sorry for the wall of text but things are tense for me right now.

Also : a pox on the media for their sensationalist clap trap about bat rabies.

03-01-22, 21:23
I have seen that House episode - something to note is that the man who had rabies was living in a cardboard box where the bats also lived. Like, multiple bats in a small area, so it's much more likely that he could have bumped one and gotten bitten.

Bats don't really want to bite you, but they aren't ninjas either. If you had one in your house, you would notice. If one was in your house, it wouldn't necessarily bite you either unless it was scared or agitated. So the chances of being bitten by a bat in your house are incredibly low, even more so being bitten without noticing.

I've had this fear too and I know how hard it is. I had construction done on my house last year so my attic space was open to below and I was absolutely terrified. But realistically, it just isn't that common. If people were bitten by bats with that frequency we would have many more deaths from rabies on the books because the symptoms early on are pretty non-descript. That we don't indicates that people really aren't bitten that much.

03-01-22, 22:28
I'm so sorry you're in the 'Ninja Bat' rabbit hole :weep: These are words on a screen and I know, based on experience, they won't offer you any reassurance but I do know that a day, a week, a month and a year from now, you won't have rabies. The real issue is finding a way to being able to rationalize these fears so they don't take over your life. I know with the the way things are in the world today, finding real life help is challenging at at best, but that would be the best way to proceed. Contact SAMHSA (https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline) and see if they can help.


Inspector javert
04-01-22, 02:12
And I continue to have off and on spurts of excess salivation and a sore throat. Ugh I’ll be glad when I get over this hump.

On another topic, am I the only one who thinks Ninja Bat would make an awesome cartoon/comic/ya character? He could teach kids about bats while fighting the evil Dr White Nose! (I’ve noticed humor helps me cope with this BS.

Inspector javert
07-01-22, 01:42
Was outside at work yesterday and felt a slight stinging sensation around my shoulder blades. I felt it a few more times throughout the day on other parts of my back. Yet I still worry that I have again fallen victim to everyone’s least favorite super villain: ninja bat.

My illogical self is telling me;

1. I bets WAS a bat this time and since you didn’t go to the ER after work it’s now too late for the vaccine. Have fun dying! Can I have your PlayStation?

2. Hey buddy that pain in your neck isn’t like the pain you normally feel from you sh!tty pillow or the fact your sitting right under the AC which is currently blasting warm air on you! It’s the first symptoms, like that guy in Utah! ( are we allowed to curse on this forum?)

My logical self is saying

1. It was still daylight (albeit gloomy) and none of your coworkers saw a bat.

2. There were no marks on your neck , despite what the cdc says you would have seen SOMETHING if a bat got you.

3. Your neck pain is from your bad posture and the heater. You should have listened to your mother about slouching.

Alas the logical self can scarcely get a word in edgewise so if you guys could help my logical self out I’d appreciate it.

I apologize if the flippant tone of this post is offensive and for posting again so soon after my first post. Humor is how I handle my anxiety.

Thanks for your support guys.

07-01-22, 10:13
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


Inspector javert
10-01-22, 20:20
Felt a twinge of pain in my arm while I was asleep and noticed what looked like a bloodstain on my pillow (under the pillowcase). Now my anxiety ridden mind is screaming BAT.

Obviously I haven’t seen one in my room or in the house in general, still it seems like every time I make a step forward from my previous scare another one sets me off. I’m planning on getting a referral to a shrink soon so hopefully help is on the way.

10-01-22, 23:21
Have you contacted SAMHSA (https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline) ?


Inspector javert
11-01-22, 23:59
Not yet, I’m hoping to find a therapist myself working through my GP. My main issue will be getting time off therapy, my work schedule hasn’t once been in danger of being consistent and I worry that trying to get an Accommodation will piss off my hyper jealous coworkers.

Also now my arm is tingling and burning so that’ll make the rest of this shift fun…. Thanks again for your help.

I’ll get through this, I’ve done it before.

Inspector javert
23-01-22, 06:52
So we just had a big (for my area) snow. I went to the gas station after work and someone’s dog had wandered onto the premises and followed me into the gas station. He left when I told him no and just hung around the station. I never saw his owner and I don’t recall touching him (that was tough because I love dogs).

I’m sure you know where this is going: part of me wonders if he bit me and I didn’t notice. Even though
1. The dog was friendly and didn’t seem sick (cold maybe but not sick)
2. Other people were interacting with the dog without issues.
3. The dog had some kind of collar on (no rabies tag that I could see though) meaning he had an owner and was likely vaccinated or at the very least unlikely to contract rabies in the first place.

Still part of me wants to match into urgent care and embarrass myself by telling my story to the doctor who will probably give me prostate exam in revenge (lol).

I could use some reassurance/back up as I make plans to resume therapy (my schedule will be consistent soon so scheduling sessions will be easier).

23-01-22, 13:42
I don’t recall touching him (that was tough because I love dogs).

part of me wonders if he bit me and I didn’t notice.
1. The dog was friendly and didn’t seem sick (cold maybe but not sick)
2. Other people were interacting with the dog without issues.
3. The dog had some kind of collar on (no rabies tag that I could see though) meaning he had an owner and was likely vaccinated or at the very least unlikely to contract rabies in the first place.

I could use some reassurance

Just read what you wrote.


Inspector javert
07-05-22, 23:06
Ok good news: I’m out of the ninja bat phase for the time being.

Bad news m: it’s been replaced by invisible puppy bite fear after I petted an adorable little puppy (with his masters permission) and she put her mouth on my arm after licking me.(erm the dog not her master) I don’t think it broke the skin and the dog was just being a little hyperactive according to her owner.

Still I feel a small burning in the lower part of my arm now so my anxiety is already picking out my coffin and asking if it can have my CDs. A bit of reassurance would help I also plan to ask the owner about the dog next week when they come back. I’m also seeing my GP next month so maybe they will get me in touch with therapy.

Thanks in advance for any help but no YOU can’t have my cds either. 🙂

08-05-22, 09:41
Still I feel a small burning in the lower part of my arm now so my anxiety is already picking out my coffin and asking if it can have my CDs.

I love this. Consider it stolen.

A bit of reassurance would help I also plan to ask the owner about the dog next week when they come back.

I can't help but think of Inspector Clouseau here..

Inspector Clouseau: Does your dog bite?

Hotelier: No.

Clouseau bends down to pet the dog and the dog bites him.

Clouseau: I thought you said it didn't bite!

Hotelier: That's not my dog.


I have OCD. It's so frustrating when you can't get your brain to accept what your eyes can see, right?

Out of interest, what will you say to the owner? I would actually tread carefully here. People can get a bit arsey?

Thanks in advance for any help but no YOU can’t have my cds either. 

I'll no doubt come across them as a job-lot on Ebay. :shades:

12-05-22, 06:25
I went through something similar last year. My neighbors new little dog was all excited to see me and I pet her a lot and she was so excited and jumping around that she somehow scraped one of her tiny sharp teeth across my finger. It didn't hurt or even break the skin but there was a slight red line like a barely there scrape. I was losing it and wanted to go and ask her if her dog had been vaccinated for rabies but ended up deciding that I'd rather sit with my fear than go and look like a total paranoid weirdo to my neighbor lol. I'm so socially awkward, I couldn't bring myself to do that. Fast forward about 7 months and both me and the dog are still here. I know how bad OCD sucks (especially when it focuses on insanely rare and deadly illnesses) but you're going to be fine. If the dogs owner is responsible, the puppy will have been vaccinated. Even if the dog isn't vaccinated, the probability of it having rabies is virtually zero. You're okay, I promise.

Inspector javert
21-05-22, 02:36
Thankfully the dog came back the next week and was still its adorable self. Sadly when I was patrolling the trailer yard at work (think of the worst maintained road you’d ever and add 30-50 Diesel engines all blaring at once while walk up and down each one with a tablet computer) I felt something bump my neck, I’m not really in an ocd state about it yet but I know the ninja bat fear is coming.

Every time I think I’m out they pull me back in…

I’ll get over it again but damn it’s a pain in the ass. Also trailer yards suck and Diesel engines suck even more, though now that I think about it they likely would keep the bats away even the ninja variety

Addendum: I hate my job because both shifts I work make seeing anyone outside the ER impossible and I don’t get sick leave so I basically have to sit and suffer because going to the ER over this would be stupid and expensive…

Inspector javert
16-07-22, 02:42
Ok good news bad news time: I’m currently over my fear about the ninja bat, but it’s been replaced by fear of a ninja cat.

I went to pet my dads dog and the little guy scratched me up pretty good in his excitement at getting pets, 99.9999999999999999% chance that he’s been vaccinated and he spends most of his time in a pen anyway.

Now my crazy brain is telling me that the scratch may have come from a feral cat that wanders into our yard now and then. I know I would remember if I had encountered the cat but right now I’m in a constant state of worry and my anxiety has moved on from asking for my CDs after I die and now wants my PlayStation (the answer is no I’ll be buried with before I let my anxiety access my RDR2 save).

Just needed to vent a bit While I wait for my August 8th appointment with a shrink. Thanks for putting up with me.

16-07-22, 07:47
Ok good news bad news time: I’m currently over my fear about the ninja bat, but it’s been replaced by fear of a ninja cat.

I went to pet my dads dog and the little guy scratched me up pretty good in his excitement at getting pets, 99.9999999999999999% chance that he’s been vaccinated and he spends most of his time in a pen anyway.

Now my crazy brain is telling me that the scratch may have come from a feral cat that wanders into our yard now and then. I know I would remember if I had encountered the cat but right now I’m in a constant state of worry and my anxiety has moved on from asking for my CDs after I die and now wants my PlayStation (the answer is no I’ll be buried with before I let my anxiety access my RDR2 save).

Just needed to vent a bit While I wait for my August 8th appointment with a shrink. Thanks for putting up with me.

I'm sorry you struggle with this. I have OCD and I know the kind of crazy crap our brains can come up with - but I love your humour!!

Alas, I'm not a gamer. Not even close. (ask my lads)

They still bust a gut laughing over the memory of me playing Sonic the Hedgehog (when it first came out). Apparently I move about a lot? :shrug:

Also, I recently broke my youngest gamer boy by playing one of his driving games. I'd always warned him how bad I was and he thrust a controller into my hand saying, 'How bad can you be, Mum?'

His face was a picture as I hit every wall, every house, every pedestrian, and every other car. I drove backwards for the majority of the time, and when I managed to make contact with tarmac it was on the wrong side of the road..:whistles:

Little bugger videoed me and sent it to his brothers. :huh:

So you can keep your PlayStation, it's your CDs I'm after.

Re feral cat..

You know it's a case of your brain not accepting what the eyes have seen (or not seen). You're fine.

All the best with therapy..

P.s thanks for the laugh. :shades:

Inspector javert
30-07-22, 22:22
This is the worry that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friends
Some people started thinking it not knowing f what it was…

So here’s the next chapter in my story. I went to feed my parents dog in his pen when I got home from midnight shift. Reached down into the bag to get the food out and felt a bit of a scratch on my arm as I did. The next day I found something had fallen out of the cabinet the dog food was kept in as if it had been knocked over.

Cue rabies aniexty because my mom thought she heard something in the cabinet a few nights ago. What if it was a bat or a rat that scratched or bit me (instead of just the feeling the dog food bag on my arm)?

Looks like another few day-weeks of worrying for me

31-07-22, 08:45
So here’s the next chapter in my story. I went to feed my parents dog in his pen when I got home from midnight shift. Reached down into the bag to get the food out and felt a bit of a scratch on my arm as I did. The next day I found something had fallen out of the cabinet the dog food was kept in as if it had been knocked over.

So the ragingly obvious reason here is that you scratched your arm on the bag. I've done it countless times (which is why I now put the pooch's food in a tin) but it was late, and you have OCD so your mind is making more of this than it needs to..

Cue rabies aniexty because my mom thought she heard something in the cabinet a few nights ago.

Key word here; thought. (No visual sightings, and I take it - no other 'tell-tale' signs of critter cupboard invasion?)

What if it was a bat or a rat that scratched or bit me (instead of just the feeling the dog food bag on my arm)?

What if it was just the feeling of the dog food bag on my arm (instead of me imagining it was a bat or a rat)?

Now, about those CDs...