View Full Version : Different symptoms every day - driving me crazy

03-01-22, 22:05
I'm struggling at the moment. I have wildly different symptoms every day and I can't catch a break. I simply don't see how this is related to anxiety, but it must be!

For example, over the last few weeks, I had cold symptoms for a few days, which was headaches, and sore throat. They seemed to feel worse than usual so got me worried.

Then, when that cleared up, I honestly had hiccups for about 12 hours. That worried me. The next day, they were gone.

Then, I was bleeding when I went to the toilet. That lasted about 2 days then cleared up.

Then, random headaches through the day which went away by themselves. Then my tooth started hurting and I thought it might be an abscess or root canal. That hurt for a bit but then stopped all by itself.

The next day, I was really stiff, had muscle aches. Could barely lift my arms. That went away after a while and back to normal.

It's just one thing after another and because there's no consistency, I can't go to the doctor with a million problems! Either I'm the most unlucky person to get a series of real problems one after another, or somehow, anxiety is doing this.

Does anyone else relate to this or am I totally unusual?


07-01-22, 19:31
I have a similar-ish problem. It all started with right armpit pain that I think was a swollen node for 3 weeks, no signs of infection or virus although I did bust a decent chunk of my skin open on top of the same sided hand a few days before (excessive hand washing, COVID fears). I still sort of have it but it significantly improved two days ago which is a good sign. I have autism so I like to rock on a couch or something when I'm anxious, I did that aggressively for a few days about 6 days ago which caused me to seriously strain my sides and stomach/abdomen/pelvis muscles, had to take NSAIDs to sleep. Finally seeing improvement after a full day of rest + heating pad. Now I have a tingly/numby/scratchy feeling near my left shoulder/collar bone/throat when I bend forward/breath that comes and goes which is worse today (after a day of hunching over on the couch resting the rocking muscle problem), this is spooking me. I fear I have nodes enlarging all over causing problems so naturally I'm fearing lymphoma, leukemia or some hidden infection despite having no fever or other symptoms. It doesn't help that I had an ear infection a few months ago making me think its somehow connected (frequent infections/weakened immune system due to cancer) even though I have bad allergies and had a particularly bad season which can cause ear infections, although I've never had any as an adult or teenager. I also have smaller things happening that I can more easily attribute to anxiety, like gurgling gassy stomach, reflux, looser stools, fatigue, ect..

Sorry I'm sort of venting my own problems not to take away from yours but yes I can defiantly relate, every little new niggle or pain or whatever I get I panic and think it's indicative of something serious and it always seems like something new is happening especially when I'm amped up worrying about my health. I'll go from, for example, stomach problems to bowel to skin to brain to muscles to breathing to sinus to appendix to ect.. in the span of days/weeks and I've been this way for a long time now. Luckily most of them usually go away. I've been lurking the forums for years and this seems to be a common trend among hypochondriacs so you're certainly not alone in this behavior. I think where less neurotic/intelligent people usually ignore these little things or don't consider them too seriously we hyper-fixate because we're quickly able to iterate the potential negative consequences so it's very easy for us to obsess over the 'problems'. Maybe a lot of us are also quite sensitive to our bodies and/or we don't have good reference points for what counts as a serious issue so we make mountains out of what are actually mole-hills. I've noticed this with myself in the past and I'm in all likelihood doing it right now.