View Full Version : Non visible blood in urine

04-01-22, 05:44
I have had 2 episodes of gross haematuria in the past, one was a suspected kidney stone and the other a confirmed kidney stone. These episodes were incredibly stressfull. Unfortunately I'm now recovering from appendicitis, and had to bring in urine for research. There was some minor non visible blood found again. The first doctor said it was so minor and that it was normal, the second doc said I had to bring in urine two weeks after recovery from appendicitis just in case.
Two years ago there was a small kidney stone found, and I suspect this is still causing this, but my anxiety is through the roof. I don't want to go through all the testing again, and I don't know what to do.

06-01-22, 08:15
And here we go again. Microscopic haematuria found again, appointment and probably a cystoscopy within 3-4 weeks. The doc isn't worried but I sure am. I have had kidney stones in the past, but now I'm really afraid they missed something 1.5 years ago, as they did not perform a cystoscopy back then when I had gross haematuria. I don't know how I will get through the coming weeks

08-01-22, 10:19
Anyone for some reassurance? I'm having a hard time. I'm a 40 year old light smoker, to be honest I'm terrified. On the one hand I can rationalize and say it's probably a kidney stone or I'm just prone to blood in urine, on the other hand I'm terrified of bladder C. This is tormenting me for the past 5 years after my first incident with blood in urine. It's degrading my quality of life.

08-01-22, 13:36
Its going to be ok. You have the test booked and the chances of being something are way lower than the other way around and specially since you already had kidney stones.

I understand the panic though, I have an endo colonoscopy coming up and same as you I think its probably something bad but just glad we are having it looked at and not being dismissed

09-01-22, 16:28
Thanks friend. The irony is that I was contemplating an endoscopy before this mess because of frequent bathroom visits. Now that I look back probably because of stress. The current situation does a number on people I guess. I've feares numerous cancers this years, each time believing it was the end. Today was a better day, I hope you and I receive good news

09-01-22, 18:06
Same, it will all be alright. I as well have feared a ton of health issues over the years, it is always a new one and I think these past 2 years been worse because less stuff to do, more time to think. Glad today was better, hope tomorrow will be even better and the test goes well!

14-01-22, 10:10
I'm extremely worried. I have a telephone consultation next week, the wait is killing me. Why do I have persistent blood in urine for 5 years now. Can this all be due to kidney stones or maybe just stress? Is three times unlucky and will they find something this time? The echo didn't show kidney stones, is a ct scan more reliable. I'm going insane at home, thinking about dying all the time, everyday is about surviving right now

14-01-22, 21:18
I don't know why I'm posting, maybe for my own piece of mind. The last few days have been terrible, all my previous fears have come back, I'm fearing the worst outcome even though I know the odds are really low and it's probably nothing or another kidney stone. Is this rational fear or have I lost it and is this 100% hypochondria. The last 5 years have been terrible and I don't know what to do anymore. I fear waiting for another few weeks. No one has to reply, I guess it helps a bit to write out my thoughts.

14-01-22, 22:55
i always get blood in urine and have kidney stones

15-01-22, 10:53
Thanks for replying Nicola. What troubles me is that they did not find any stones on the echo. I believe a CT scan is more reliable for stones but it would have given me so much relief if they found a stone on the echo. I have a history of stones and know the chance of recurring stones is much greater than bladder or kidney cancer, but I just can't shake the thought...

15-01-22, 19:36
My ct scan showed them but not the ultrasound

17-01-22, 15:21
I've had this randomly ever since 2013 when I had to give a urine sample. Not all the time but it was there. Did all test and scans and it was nothing. Urologist told me 20% of people have it for absolutely no reason at all.

23-01-22, 15:00
Thanks for the replies. I spoke to the urologist, she said I will have to give a few urine samples, they will be researched in the lab, and if those are all clear no research will be done. The first sample has been clear, so that's a bit of relief, and I have to give a second sample in february, for which I'm still terrified. Urologist said the chance of bladder c at my age is very, very low, but of course I'm expecting the worse. She also said the dipstick tests are not very reliable.

What haunts me is the two episodes of gross haematuria in the past. These were probably due to kidney stones, but the chance of it being C after episodes of gross haematuria has always been in the back of my mind. I feel like the world is standing still, I'm still incredibly stressed. I hope I can give good news in a few weeks

23-01-22, 17:22
And once again the waiting is horrible...I try to focus on the positives
-doc said because of my age the chance is low it's something bad
-history of kidney stones
-2 clear urine samples
-CT scan 2 years ago showed nothing

I'm disappointed in not being able to comfort myself. Days are going very slowly, will keep you updated

24-01-22, 19:22
Have to give urine and blood this week..

25-01-22, 19:20
Well, if my urine is clear there won't be any tests done. If there is blood I'll get a cystoscopy again. I hope and think it will be clear since my urine was clear twice last week, but I don't know if I can cope if I need another cystoscopy. Not afraid of the test but of the outcome

25-01-22, 20:07
It doesn't sound serious to me but get the tests if you really need to.

17-02-22, 16:47
Just for the update. I had three separate urinetests, all three were negative to my surprise. Thanks everyone for replying. I celebrated for a day, now of course I'm worried about another form of cancer. To summarise for those worried about blood in their urine:
-it's really common
-doctor tests can give false positives, dip stick tests are more sensitive
-it's really common

04-03-22, 01:00
Did you find out more info? Hope all is good