View Full Version : Found paper in my granola bar. Help!

05-01-22, 04:59
I was eating my nightime snack, a oatmeal bar, and i found a peice of paper or cardboard in my tooth. Im freaking out. Will it make me sick??? I have no idea how much i swallowed. Im freaking out

05-01-22, 05:52
My cats have eaten way more cardboard than you and it never made them sick. Pretty sure you'll be okay.

05-01-22, 14:36
Woke up feeling a bit nauseous last night and still have an upset belly. Hopefully its just in my head.

05-01-22, 15:28
eating paper can't harm you

05-01-22, 15:47
You'll be fine. It's only paper, your stomach can handle it :)

05-01-22, 15:57
I'm sure you will be fine :) I ate a club orange bar and the packaging glue and wrapping had fused with a part that melted. I ate the whole thing and I'm still here.