View Full Version : Frequent urination and high volume every time

05-01-22, 14:32
Hi everyone! This is my first post on this site, though I have been a visitor for over 10 years.

I have been in an anxiety spiral since March 2021 and have experienced a host of physical symptoms throughout this time. About two months ago, I had a UTI and this led me down a total rabbit hole of becoming obsessed with my bathroom habits. I feel like I have to pee constantly, and I always feel a sense of pressure in my urethra area. I am thinking about my bladder 100% of the time.

For the past week, I have been peeing very frequently, and A LOT comes out each time. It's not just a feeling that I have to go- I actually produce a lot of urine, and it is almost always clear. I don't think I am drinking more than I usually do. I sip on water pretty much all day, but I don't think it's a crazy amount.

I haven't actually woken up in the night to pee, though. I have been waking up each morning this week WITHOUT the urge to pee which is VERY unusual for me, however. That is really scaring me. Also, a few times this week, my pee has been really yellow in the morning, which I don't think is typical for me, either.

I had several urine cultures done recently, and they were all negative, so I definitely don't have a UTI anymore, but I am freaking out about my kidneys. I will make a follow-up appointment with my urologist. Also, I have my physical every year and don't have any blood sugar issues. This all cropped up during a time of intense anxiety.

For those of you who urinate frequently when anxious, do you actually produce a lot of urine?

05-01-22, 15:57
You're sipping on water throughout the day, you don't need to go until your bladder is full and your wee is clear - it sounds like you're just really hydrated, which is a good thing. It could be that you'd never realised how much you used to go because you hadn't thought about it before the UTI. Or the UTI led you to drink more water and you've just got used to doing that. You've had clear urine tests, so that's good. And as far as I'm aware, kidney issues don't cause clear wee (the opposite if anything). I don't hear anything concerning here :) Sounds like anxiety is the issue.