View Full Version : Radiation Fear

05-01-22, 20:55
Recently, I have developed an obsession with radiation/everything causes me to get cancer fear. Particularly, with my microwave. I live in an apartment that is 4 years old (still relatively new) and I convinced myself the microwave is spewing radiation to my food that is right next to it (the microwave is mounted between cabinets) and that the door is faulty. I never damaged the door, it shuts completely and I hear the click, but I have been struggling to move past this fear that my microwave is toxic and is slowly killing me. Has anyone else experienced this type of fear before? Any advice? Thanks in advance.

06-01-22, 20:22
I've dealt with this on and off. For example I was at the dentist last week for a cleaning and they took a couple of x-rays but also wanted to do some 3d imaging. I said what's that for, they said to check for cancers and infections. I refused due to the added radiation exposure. I used to worry about microwaves too.

According to the FDA Microwaves use non-ionizing radiation which means they're too weak to knock electrons off atoms ergo they can not damage your DNA (what leads to cancers). At worst they can cause burns if the microwave is heavily malfunctioning but this is extremely rare and, well, just some burns. To avoid this stand a 4-6 feet from the microwave when it's operational.

Best Wishes.

07-01-22, 21:11
Hi, I went through this fear previously as well. But I think with anxiety and health anxiety specifically, it was an obsession for me at that time and then it moved onto something else. As ponybro123 pointed out According to the FDA Microwaves use non-ionizing radiation. If you fully research this there is no evidence to suggest that microwaves cause cancer. I am currently trying to channel my obsessions into something that might actually help me. For now it is reaching my step goal. Its a good distraction from my health obsessions and, it also makes me feel like im fit and healthy which helps break the cycle. Good luck!

21-02-22, 22:54
I know I am a bit late, but thank you so much for the replies. It is comforting to know that there is no reason for me to worry. I definitely am working on getting over this irrational fear and feel a lot better now then when I posted this. Thanks again, everyone.