View Full Version : Heart? Cancer? Arteries? I don't know anymore!

08-01-22, 10:54
So a bit of background first:

34yo F, non smoker, don't drink (except a VERY occasional gin), been a bit of a couch potato since lockdown but reasonably active on and off before that, diet again hasn't been the best but working on getting that sorted.
Diagnosed with anxiety in 2013 which is when my palpitations started.

Since the start of 2019 so pre-pandmic I've had to deal with a lot of stress, losing 3 family members - one in quite awful circumstances, redundancy, house move, studying for a degree, changing jobs 3 times, and obviously the pandemic itself.

I'm just worried that all this stress has had some effect on my heart and I've got something that the Dr's haven't picked up.


Chest tightness - this doesn't happen a lot
Breathlessness- can just be sitting doing nothing and BAM
Pain in left jaw
Pain in left neck
Pain left top of head
Pains down left arm
Nausea/vomiting in the mornings
Weight loss
High heart rate - resting has increased from around 76bpm to 81bpm
Pulsatile tinnitus- can hear heartbeat in ear. Mainly after going up the stairs but also just going from sitting to standing. Although not every time. This one worries me because it seems to suggest a blocked artery!

Fatigue - sometimes can't even stop my eyes closing at work
Dizzy/light headedness

Recent tests:

Full bloods - all clear. Slightly raised RBC count but Dr didn't mention it???
Everything else fine. Lowest CRP (inflammation) reading I've ever had.

ECG: All clear

Thyroid: All clear

Also had an echo about 6 years ago and a halter monitor- all fine. So would a lot have changed since then?

Thursday was a particularly bad day for me. Nausea and vomiting acid/bile in the morning. Went to work and went really hot while sitting at my desk, also had sharp shooting pain in my left chest, sort of like all around my left boob. That subsided and kind of felt okay. After lunch, felt Breathless again, bit tight chested, heart rate was high all day! Really fatigued when I got home.

But yesterday I was fine pretty much.

These don't all happen at once and some are few and far between. But the weight loss has worried me.

I went through a bad patch a few months back, high anxiety, bad reflux, didn't eat much and dropped a lot of weight (I have another condition that make weight loss difficult so this was a shock) since then my weight has gone up and down. But seems to be sticking at one weight. Even after stuffing my face last night, i hadn't gained a pound!!!! Usually that would an instant 6lb on the scale!

I'm so scared I've got heart failure, clogged arteries or cancer or something horrible. The Dr's just do bloods and cos they're fine don't follow anything up. They just put it down to anxiety.

I take omeprazole in the morning and gaviscon before bed

I'm also on the mini pill - desogestrel.

I just don't know where to turn and feel like I'm going to drop down dead! Or they're going to discover something when it's too late.

08-01-22, 11:35
Sorry to hear you are going through this. All you mentioned are symptoms of anxiety. Most people would shrug most of the symptoms of but unfortunately those of us who suffer with HA have this talent of amplifying feelings, twitches, pangs of pain, and elevating them to diseases, ailments and the like.

I went through a real bad patch earlier this week and lost 3lbs in 3 days. I was nauseous and just couldnt eat anything. After I calmed myself down my appetite came right back.

I hope you get through this.

08-01-22, 12:24
Sorry to hear you are going through this. All you mentioned are symptoms of anxiety. Most people would shrug most of the symptoms of but unfortunately those of us who suffer with HA have this talent of amplifying feelings, twitches, pangs of pain, and elevating them to diseases, ailments and the like.

I went through a real bad patch earlier this week and lost 3lbs in 3 days. I was nauseous and just couldnt eat anything. After I calmed myself down my appetite came right back.

I hope you get through this.

Yeah it's so frustrating they can't just be shrugged off. But I really don't know if it is anxiety anymore. My appetite is back to normal but still just not gaining the weight. Not that I need to 🤣 but its just not normal for me.

08-01-22, 14:37
Honestly weight gain/loss is very hard to judge... weigh yourself in the morning... don't eat or drink anything at all.... then weigh yourself in the afternoon and I guarantee you that you will have gained a pound or two. It fluctuates so much and can be down to the simplest things... I know for example if I eat a salty meal the day before that water retention will absolutely put a pound on the scales the next day... and likewise... if I drink loads of water the day before I will be lighter the following day as water retention is lower.

I would only worry if you were losing weight that was measurable in stones per week not pounds.

Hang in there... focus on the good stuff all around you.


08-01-22, 16:04
I would agree with the above - I’ve been actively dieting since may. I weigh myself every morning before breakfast. On occasion I’ll weigh myself in the evening just to see - it’s not at all unusual for my weight to fluctuate by 2-3 lbs in one day alone. Go by your weekly averages, and if you’re not trying to diet, stop weighing altogether. You’ll know if you’re experiencing drastic weight loss by the fit of your clothing - obsessing over the number on the scale will only lead to more mental distress for you.

08-01-22, 17:33
Yeah it was drastic to start. Not so much now. Just weird for me. Had pizza last night and my weight didn't change. Usually that would be a 5lb gain overnight.

At the minute I think I'm most concerned about the pulsatile tinnitus. Everything I've read seems to point to artery blockages and things like that so convinced I'm on the verge of a stroke.

08-01-22, 18:19
At the minute I think I'm most concerned about the pulsatile tinnitus. Everything I've read seems to point to artery blockages and things like that so convinced I'm on the verge of a stroke.

You are probably just hyper aware of it... another benefit of health anxiety.

08-01-22, 23:21

Chest tightness - this doesn't happen a lot
Breathlessness- can just be sitting doing nothing and BAM
Pain in left jaw
Pain in left neck
Pain left top of head
Pains down left arm
Nausea/vomiting in the mornings
Weight loss
High heart rate - resting has increased from around 76bpm to 81bpm
Pulsatile tinnitus-

SYMPTOMS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)


09-01-22, 01:40
Yeah it was drastic to start. Not so much now. Just weird for me. Had pizza last night and my weight didn't change. Usually that would be a 5lb gain overnight.

At the minute I think I'm most concerned about the pulsatile tinnitus. Everything I've read seems to point to artery blockages and things like that so convinced I'm on the verge of a stroke.

you would have to consume 3400 calories in a day to gain one pound. It’s doubtful you could gain five pounds in a day as that would be over 15,000 calories. Not saying it can’t be done, but it’s really unlikely. If you’ve experience weight fluctuations to that degree, what you’re seeing is water retention - not actual weight. Don’t know if that reassures you any. But as said above, not a good idea to weigh yourself every day if these fluctuations are going to cause you anxiety. It’s no different than telling people to get rid of the BP cuffs, HR monitors, and O2 monitors.

09-01-22, 17:16
you would have to consume 3400 calories in a day to gain one pound. It’s doubtful you could gain five pounds in a day as that would be over 15,000 calories. Not saying it can’t be done, but it’s really unlikely. If you’ve experience weight fluctuations to that degree, what you’re seeing is water retention - not actual weight. Don’t know if that reassures you any. But as said above, not a good idea to weigh yourself every day if these fluctuations are going to cause you anxiety. It’s no different than telling people to get rid of the BP cuffs, HR monitors, and O2 monitors.

I know but with the other condition i have - that is what would happen. I literally could never lose a pound with my condition which is why i now find it strange i have lost as much as i have

09-01-22, 17:18
SYMPTOMS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)


Thanks FMP! I'm usually really good at rationalising my symptoms and can these days can usually answer them with something a lot less dramatic. I just could not find ANYTHING even slightly non-scary for the pulsaltile tinnitus. Its all artery issues, aneurysms or tumours! I was doing so so well but the last few months have set me back so much. I just need answers for everything

09-01-22, 17:32
An angiogram is the answer to blocked arteries. Don't know if it is needed worried wendy. Take care x

09-01-22, 17:54
An angiogram is the answer to blocked arteries. Don't know if it is needed worried wendy. Take care x

I don't know either! I'm 34 - should i even be worrying about that stuff?

12-01-22, 20:50
Now I'm worried it's a brain tumour or u ruptured aneurysm!

I've been sick (bile) every morning this week. Pain in my left side of neck and some head pains, bit of ear ache and still this pulsatile tinnitus and normal tinnitus! It's draining.

No appetite which means my weight has dropped a few lbs which doesn't help either.

I can't even get a GP appointment cos they're so backlogged!!

I just want to feel normal like everyone else and not suffer these scary symptoms daily

16-01-22, 10:11
Hi this sounds very similar to me I can relate to your symptoms, when you say pain is this constant or a sharp stab that goes away? As for resting heart rate anything between 60 and 100 is considered normal. I was monitoring blood pressure and heart rate and mine flucuated a lot.When you are anxious heart rate does go up. My stomach was playing up for months , pains no appetite , nausea this has subsided in last 2 weeks and seems almost normal now. I had a pulse tinnitus about 5 years ago this lasted for about a year and went away. Anxiety ,stress , worry etc plays havoc with your body.

27-01-22, 21:05
Hi this sounds very similar to me I can relate to your symptoms, when you say pain is this constant or a sharp stab that goes away? As for resting heart rate anything between 60 and 100 is considered normal. I was monitoring blood pressure and heart rate and mine flucuated a lot.When you are anxious heart rate does go up. My stomach was playing up for months , pains no appetite , nausea this has subsided in last 2 weeks and seems almost normal now. I had a pulse tinnitus about 5 years ago this lasted for about a year and went away. Anxiety ,stress , worry etc plays havoc with your body.

Sometimes a short sharp pain, sometimes it's more of an ache but is quite short lived really.

The pulsatile tinnitus is still there but not all the Time. I also Sometimes get a weird thing where its like my ear pops and I hear my voice echo through my head its so weird.