View Full Version : Anyone else on their 2 week referal wait?

09-01-22, 10:29
Anyone else been referred on a 2 week suspected cancer pathway?
My referal was only put in on Thursday (now Sunday) and I dread waking up every morning. This wait is so hard and I don’t know how to put one foot in front of the other.
Anyone else in the same boat? I could really use some friends (I have none in real life)

09-01-22, 11:10
Not right now. But I have been on it before and know how very hard it is. I actually made use of the MacMillan cancer helplines. The nurses you can speak to are so sensible and caring. And remember, 9 times out of 10, “suspected” cancer turns out to not be cancer. Hang in there and keep posting if it helps. Xx

09-01-22, 12:16
I was referred under the 2 week because the GP I saw was unsure about a lump on my testicle region. turned out to be some cysts, the specialist I saw was unsure he could not feel a lump, but he still referred me for an ultrasound.

09-01-22, 13:46
Thanks for replying guys.
I’m being referred to gynaecology for bleeding after sex for 5 months, followed by a prolonged 2 week vaginal bleed (that started in Xmas day) and raised CA125 (tumour markers)

I’m beyond terrified. I’m 37 with 3 kids.

My husband has been lovely, looking after me, but he is back to work tomorrow and I’ll be all alone with too much time to overthink.

I’m currently downing red raspberry leaf tea, drinking anti inflammatory smoothies and taking ibuprofen to try to reduce whatever is causing me to bleed so much.

Off for a countryside walk this afternoon too…even though we only have 2 hours of daylight left.

09-01-22, 14:11
Try not to worry. I was on the two week referral train last year.

I had irregular bleeding, pain, GERD, AND an ultrasound that showed a suspicious cyst/mass on my left ovary. I was beyond terrified when they called me in urgently for a CA125 test. Mine was normal, but CA125 can be raised for reasons other than a tumour.

I was referred to oncology and I was certain I had C, especially with the first ultrasound showing something in there. However, when I got to my next appointment, the specialist said it looked nothing like a concerning mass, and she said she had no idea what they even thought was concerning, and she did another ultrasound on me there and then to prove her point. There was absolutely nothing there, and she said the first thing they saw was likely an ovulation follicle that had folded over on itself and looked like something on the imaging. She said I 100% did not have anything on my ovaries, other than my regular PCOS cysts.

So even with clear signs that sounded like the worst case scenario, it turned out to be fine.

I know it's so scary waiting, but the two week referral means they are acting quickly to rule everything out for you. They're SO good at their jobs in these scenarios, so it's not like a GP brushing off something vague. You're in the best hands. And like jojo mentioned, 9 times out of 10, suspected cancer turns out not to be.

09-01-22, 17:53
Thank you for taking the time to share your story. It has certainly given me hope!

I must admit though, the raised ca125 has frightened me more than anything. I almost feel like, combined with my symptoms, there’s just no hope for me.
I can only pray that it has been caught early enough to cure.

Urgh. This waiting is just horrendous for mental health. I wish I could afford to go private!

09-01-22, 19:22
I must admit though, the raised ca125 has frightened me more than anything. I almost feel like, combined with my symptoms, there’s just no hope for me.
I can only pray that it has been caught early enough to cure.

Urgh. This waiting is just horrendous for mental health. I wish I could afford to go private!

As you know, I've been there and done that. Its certainly not pleasant and very stressful even without anxiety. The fact they have you on the fast track (and the timing was similar to mine) really is a good thing and as hard as it is, you have to try and hold onto the thought that "Its not cancer until they say it is". As you know, I was diagnosed and it wasn't good, but I'm still here nearly 9 years out and doing well all considering.

Hang in there and let us know what you find out.

Positive thoughts

11-01-22, 09:24
So yesterday I got a text from my Gp to say they had submitted my 2 week referal, and I should hear from the hospital within 4 weeks!
FOUR!! 😢😢😢😢
Have waiting times really doubled?! I’m barely coping as it is. This is just too much.

11-01-22, 14:34
Several years ago my wife had been feeling run down/tired all the time so she went to our GP. They ran blood tests and when the results came back they said her white blood cells were elevated and referred her to an oncologist.

Spent a summer worried that she had leukemia. She had a lot of symptoms - could sleep 8 hours and wake up exhausted. Shortness of breath. Hair falling out in clumps.

When the oncologist appointment came her parents came up and went with us. They did a blood test in the office. The response : "why are you here?" Her white blood cell count was completely normal. Later we found out that her count at the doctor originally was only very slightly elevated. Why she got sent to the oncologist I'll never know.

She ended up being diagnosed with hashimoto's which explained all the symptoms she was having. Simple medications solved that.