View Full Version : Help! Sleeping and unable to stop moving

09-01-22, 14:56
Hello amazing people,

I’ve had an awful breakdown this week and the persisting symptom is with sleep. As soon as I need to lie still I cannot.

I get searing sensations in my body that I MUST move and I can’t shake it. It’s really mentally throwing me and stopping me getting the recovery sleep I need. I’ve tried some herbal sleep remedies and although they make me tired they still don’t send me off to sleep.

I’ve been part of this community for ten years. Last time I needed you all you saved me from hell and I’ll always appreciate it and give back.

Wishing you all well,

09-01-22, 16:48
Hello Mark. When anxiety hits my sleep is completely thrown off. I tend to be able to fall asleep but it's not long before I wake up and start they cycle of being terrified that I won't get back to sleep and that I won't be able to cope with the day ahead.

There are lots of things that can help, cutting out all caffeine, a good sleep routine, avoiding using your phone prior to bed etc. There are lots of tips on this site.

Then there are things you can do during the day, get rid of the adrenaline that the anxiety stimulates, up your exercise, it doesn't have to be anything frantic just go for a walk, do the 54321 technique whilst out. Think about doing some guided meditation to help you calm down.

I kind of think it's a whole package with me, I have to consider what I do during the day as well as the lead up to bedtime.

You could always talk to your GP about some temporary medication to help. This year I was prescribed promethazine to help, it's an antihistamine. It did help me and I was able to use it during the day when I was having a particularly bad day anxiety wise. It doesn't work for everyone, but it helped me.

It's really difficult when we're anxious not to worry about lack of sleep, I've been there myself. But it will improve as you start to feel better in yourself.

09-01-22, 22:34
Thank you for replying Catkins :)

I have a Drs. apt. to review things again in the morning, it's unbearable!

I've just been sat here tonight and all was good, until about 15 minutes ago when the sensation started. And bang, I can't ignore the sensation to move my legs!

I tried promethazine, but it's not making much difference. I am tired and can sleep, it's just this weird sensation that's stopping me. Really wish I could understand it better, it feels like being tortured.