View Full Version : I thought I had hyperthyroidism had almost all symtpoms but bloods normal.

10-01-22, 17:35
I rang my doctors in November with extreme anxiety symptoms and he suggested a blood test to rule out hyperthyroidism so I got myself worked up and googled .I was convinced I had hyperthyroidism but I was too scared to get blood test booked twice for tests and could t go so doctor prescribed me propranolol and I couldn't bring myself to take it then enough was enough after the 2 missed tests and the symptoms driving me mad I took propranolol and day later I managed to go for my blood test on Christmas eve i floated through it and have been so anxious ever since then when i called for results i was told 3 came back normal and 2 didnt but was told not to worry nothing serious and that the doctor would call me on my appointment for review on 14th .I checked my results on NHSapp and my tsh for thyroid was 1.9 so from that result I don't have a thyroid problem and my , iron and kidneys ,red blood cells all OK white bloods cells up little but could be how stressed I have been and doctor is ringing Friday so will see what he says . My hA has got out of hand I find myself googling all the time as I don't understand what is wrong with me Symptoms are tolrance to heat if I walk into a warm room I get warm abd can't hack it
Wet /warm and cold freezing skin it makes me shiver mostly at night if that makes sense then warm flush cheeks just wish I was normal ,i have Brain fog and anxiety to the point where I thougjt I couldn't leave the house for 3 months I hardly went anywhere due to panic , dry mouth , warm red fingers my fingers get warm and sweat a bit , no energy or motivation. Vibrating inside and nervous like can't keep still . Dry eyes and they are sentive to light ,floaters , hands and fingers ache , burning sensations randomly .my legs don't want to work some days like they buckle and heavy head . Always hungry and thirsty also .I have been thinking I could be starting perimenopause as symptoms seem to increase during ovulation and when I am on my period and seen it can begin in 30s I am 37 I know anxiety can cause all these symptoms also but it's got worse slowly in the last 2 yrs .I have been under a lot of stress my son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes last Feb and I put it down to that why I was so nervous . Sorry for such a long post I just need to get it out what do I do ? I have propranolol 10 mg that I should be taking everyday but didn't want to feel numb like I did the 2 times I took it but really should be taking it as did help the first time I took it . Thanks for listening.

11-01-22, 10:02

A lot of what you describe could be stress related but just wanted to say my wife has hypothyroidism/hashimotos and she had normal/borderline bloodwork to start with, looking back now it all adds up but apparently it's quite common for basic blood work to be ok from medical perspective but be far from optimal, ie. you still feel rubbish. My wife had really bad anxiety as her main symptom.

If I remember right, she eventually got free T4 & T3 & thyroid antibodies tests done which told the full story but these tests weren't done initially for her (think we had to go private for them), check out https://thyroidpharmacist.com/articles/root-cause-key-lab-tests/ which will explain it a lot better than I can. I would see if you doctor will do the free T4 & T3 & thyroid antibodies tests.

On a positive, my wife has got most of her symptoms in check with mainly lifestyle changes (low carb/high fat diet, cut out gluten/soya & better stress management) plus low dose thyroid meds (T4 & T3). It took a year or so to "work it out" & although she can get flare ups she does manage it pretty well.

Hope that helps

11-01-22, 16:17
I have hypo, and found out by mistake as I went a cardiologist and they did blood work to check my levels. For me, my biggest symptom was extreme fatigue, mood changes, weight issues. I would see about treatment for anxiety first and then see about to do next.

17-01-22, 21:54
I agree with others that lot of this sounds like stress. I get many of those symptoms when my anxiety is very high. But, I'm 38 and my hormones are definitely starting to get out of whack as well, so that could be making it worse for you also! I would definitely focus on trying to get the anxiety in check. Can you break your pills in half? Maybe check with your doctor to see if you can just take 5 mg and see if it has fewer unwanted effects.