View Full Version : Anxiety and informing work?

12-01-22, 21:42
Has anyone informed their Manager of their anxiety if they feel like they can't carry out normal day to day work tasks? or if it's impacting them in meetings?

Will I be doing the right thing by letting them know? will they hold it against me? will it give them grounds to potentially get rid of me in the future?

Please let me know.

12-01-22, 22:57

I think it really depends on your situation at work. Personally, I think that in a work environement you should keep the your health issues to yourself. As much as possible of course.

A few years back I also shared the information on my mental health with my previous employer, and I regretted doing so, as soon enough the whole office knew about it. Although my management were supportive at first, within a few months they and my coworkers grew frustrated with the diminished speed and effectiveness of my work. This resulted in more frustration for me too.

I dont know what are the regulations where you live, but where I live you can decide to share the details of your health only with a company doctor, and they are obliged to keep it confidential.
If I was to do it again I would give the details to the company doctor, and tell the management that I'm having some health/personal issues, which I expect to resolve within a year. I would add that due to the before mentioned issues I cannot do a, b and c (at all or in the manner I did before), and I need x, y and z to be able to perform my tasks well enough.

Your employer is not your family (regardless of what they may say). They do not care about you as deeply as a family member would, and they won't support you endlessly in your battle with your mental health. They want an efficient enough employee to perform assigned tasks well enough.

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13-01-22, 08:29
Yes I agree with this advice from Iwant2bhealthy. Despite all the hype I do think mental health at work can still be a tricky area. Have you ever used the Richmond Fellowship who are a charity supporting people with MH issues at work and acting as an intermediary with any problems. The employer is obliged to make reasonable adjustments to your work schedule/environment to help you perform to the best of your ability but you would obviously have to disclose your anxiety in order to get the support you need.