View Full Version : Bladder/Urinary Problems

13-01-22, 02:09
It's just been one thing after another recently... First I was getting lighteaded (seemingly caused by anxiety), then it was a lump in my nose (a cyst they are leaving plus antibiotic cream for the swelling) and now it's my urinary system.

This started I think 4-6 days ago. I started feeling a constant need for the bathroom. It wasn't a super stroing urge that I couldn't ignore, just a minor one that's annoying more than anything. I've been feeling a pressure in my bladder as well. Thanks to my rampant hypochondria I have both a blood sugar checker (numbers are normal) and I bought some at home urine test dipsticks... they've shown no infections or anything else BUT has quite consistently shown trace amounts of blood. Not a lot by any means but a consistent trace amount. The urine isn't cloudy, it doesn't hurt to pass, I don't feel like I'm peeing too much or too little compared to how much I drink.

Just in the last day I have started experiencing a small amount of pain (honestly barely noticeable) around my bladder area or to my lower right hand side heading towards my kidney. I have had multiple kidney stones in the past and I know the extreme pain they cause so I know that isn't the problem. Like the pain is pretty much the same level as one of those random aches you can sometimes get.

I have a urine test to take in to the doctor tomorrow and a blood test booked (but not for two weeks) but I've been struggling a lot with anxiety. I would appreciate anyone who might have possible explanations or similar experiences!

13-01-22, 16:13
Assume you are male? I have suffred bladder pain , pelvic discomfort for years . It comes and goes , and seems to start after I go and feels like a uncomfortable urge to go this can last for hours or days . Anyway about four months ago it was keeping me awake and went to doc and had PSA check, urine sample and examination all seemed normal. So have been trying alpha blockers for last couple of weeks and things seem better.

14-01-22, 01:00
I am indeed male. I think what I have is different from your problem (which sounds like it sucks and I hope the alpha blockers continue to help!)

I'm getting an occasional VERY minor ache but otherwise there isn't really pain. After I came back from the Dr's earlier there was a bit both in my lower back and around my bladder area though, still very minor.

22-01-22, 04:27
To follow up...

My urine test came back negative for everything. Yet at home I'm still getting trace amounts of blood showing up on the dipsticks probably 9/10 times. I don't know if the dipsticks are the problem or if I just got very "lucky" with the sample that went for analysis and it was the rare one that wasn't showing up. I have a blood test and then I'm supposed to arrange a phone interview with the doctor the following week.

I've noticed I seem to be peeing a lot which got me worried about diabetes but the urine dipsticks that say there is trace blood is also negative 100% of the time on glucose and my blood-sugar level is always within the normal range.

It's the blood things that's got me most concerned though. I just don't know if I'm fretting over nothing or if there is more that needs investigating. I wish I could have a brain transplant so I could be someone that wasn't so obsessively anxious about health.

23-01-22, 15:07
Dealing with the same issue. Dipstick test one positive, lab test negative. A very small amount of blood in the urine is normal, and dipstick tests are more sensitive. I think you're a person who always has small traces of blood in urine, and this is normal. I'm trying to tell myself this, but incredibly stressed as well...

23-01-22, 15:50
Oh and it could also be a small kidney stone! Those can linger for years, not give any pain and give trace amounts of blood

Polar Bear
23-01-22, 16:11
I've been having similar problems and had blood / urine tests. Getting some blood in my urine. Was referred to a urologist and after having a cystoscopy I have a bladder stone. Need a small operation which I'm waiting for. Date set for early March.