View Full Version : Really worried - abnormal blood film and liver

14-01-22, 16:19
Hiya, I’m just off the phone with the nurse about a blood test I had last week and it’s causing a spiral. I originally had some tests in November as I was getting tonsillitis pretty much every time I ended an antibiotics course, was about 5 times over 2 months! I tested negative for glandular fever but my liver enzymes were slightly elevated, wasn’t too worried about this as I’m a student so smoking and drinking regularly (not excessively though!) is part of the package, as well as taking paracetamol for the tonsillitis, and she also said it could’ve just been caused by the virus itself.

I was to repeat the tests as well as some additional ones last week which I did. All my vitamins and minerals were fine (shocking as my diet is quite bad), but the liver got flagged up again as well as my blood film. I’m not entirely sure what she said as it was technical terms but it was something about abnormal blood film and lymphocytes, which is obviously freaking me out as abnormal lymphocytes screams cancer. She again said both the blood and liver could be viral but I didn’t have a virus at the time, and I’m pretty sure one bad enough to cause abnormalities would have symptoms.

I’ve to repeat the tests in 2-3 weeks, which everyone is saying is a good sign as if they were concerned it would be sooner, but to me that just implies they need to wait and see if they go down, and if they don’t it’s a cause for concern? I asked the nurse if it was anything to worry about and she just said ‘not at this stage’ which wasn’t very reassuring

I think I’m going to have to phone again on Monday and have to talk about it in more detail, as I can’t have 3 weeks of panicking until the next tests. I’m wondering if anyone can provide any insight in the meantime, I haven’t had a health anxiety scare this bad in years and I’m genuinley terrified something is seriously wrong.

For context I’m 21 with no family history of serious illness related to anything that the tests could indicate, healthy weight, only health issue is ibs (and recurrent tonsillitis i guess) to my knowledge.