View Full Version : Lightheadedness and Vision Worries : Advice Appreciated

Guitarist Panicker
16-01-22, 20:24
Hello everybody, thank you for reading.

First off the bat here: I’m obsessive compulsive and I struggle terribly with health anxiety. My father is also having cancer treatment which is exacerbating everything. Nonetheless, I’d like to tell me short story and see if anybody can empathise or share feedback advice.

Six weeks ago I noticed my left eye was blurry (it had been deteriorating a little for some time but seemed to have finally given up on me!). I went to an optician and paid for a comprehensive eye test with OCT. They diagnosed an astigmatism in my left eye, prescribed glasses and told me otherwise the scans and tests were normal and everything was healthy.

Subsequent to this, I developed sinus symptoms affecting my head (tension headache), ears (fullness and itchiness) and eye (scratchy and watery). I went to the docs on NYE and she prescribed some medicine and steroids which cleared up the head and ears well, though not the eye.

Today, for the first time in nearly a month, I plucked up the courage to drive with my new glasses. I was delighted that the vision was corrected and that I could drive with confidence. Sadly, I parked up, left my glasses in the car (probably an error) and walked into a shopping centre: I felt giddy and all the people were blurry. It’s knocked me completely.

I don’t feel ill at all: my eating habits are fine and I have no sickness or anything else of that nature. I do still have some sinus related symptoms and this intermittent feeling of lighteheadness/giddiness.

I don’t want to force the doctor into giving me tests as they have in the past just to shut me up! But I wondered if anybody could relate to these symptoms and help with any thoughts or advice.

Thank you so much for your time.