View Full Version : Tingling/parasthesia pin prick sensation in chest?

17-01-22, 00:44
Just wondering if anyone has ever got a pin prick/pins and needles sensation in their chest before? It seems to happen when I'm bending over or slouching.

17-01-22, 01:07
All the time. Pinched nerves from twisting wrong or lifting wrong, etc. I get them along my shoulder blades in my back sometimes too.

17-01-22, 02:35
All the time. Pinched nerves from twisting wrong or lifting wrong, etc. I get them along my shoulder blades in my back sometimes too.

Really, you also get that weird tingly prickly sensation in your chest? How do you deal with it. Do you have a vitamin deficiency? I think I'm low on iron and b12.

I'm fighting the urge to run to a&e right now because I'm scared of a heart attack, even though I know logically a bit of tingling in the skin over the ribs all different areas that only lasts a couple minutes at a time is not really a symptom of a heart attack.