View Full Version : Lymph Node or Ingrown/Cyst??

17-01-22, 22:51
Hi all - I'm 22 male. Last night I discovered a pea sized lump near my genitals kind of on the right side of groin. It feels like maybe a pimple? Cyst? ingrown hair that I've gotten before. I've had these ingrown type balls/lumps before around my groin area and butt area where I often shave.

This bump feels like a small pea under the skin. It literally feels like something I've had before. It feels attached to the skin and not rooted. But I can like squeeze area and it moves with the skin. I'm really scared thinking it's something sinister. I also noticed when I mess with it, it becomes more inflamed or swollen in a way. I'm really freaking myself out thinking it's a lump or swollen lymph node but I don't think those things would be attached to the skin. Like it feels like a little ball.

18-01-22, 07:15
Anyone? :(

18-01-22, 17:41
I would say it could be any of the things you mentioned. I get cysts a lot, I have also recently had an ingrown hair and I also get spots.

Honestly, I would say, don't keep squeezing it, prodding it or poking it. You can guarantee that will make it sore, red and inflammed. I would leave it alone and ignore it for a couple of weeks, if in that time it becomes red, warm and swollen, see your doctor as it could be an ingrown hair and may have got infected. The same could be said for a cyst, it could just stay there under the skin for years and then suddenly (and I've felt with myself, randomly) grow and get infected. If it's a spot it'll probably vanish, but as before if it gets warm, red, swollen etc.

As I've said I have had all three. Sometimes I've needed antibiotics, sometimes they've gone away on their own and sometimes in the case of cysts I've had them removed or drained.

I'm not an expert but as I said;
* Leave it alone for a couple of weeks.
* Do not consult Dr Google
* If it becomes red, warm and inflammed contact your doctor, you may need antibiotics.
* If after a couple of weeks there is no change and you are still concerned, see your doctor.

I really don't believe it's anything serious.

18-01-22, 19:40
I would say it could be any of the things you mentioned. I get cysts a lot, I have also recently had an ingrown hair and I also get spots.

Honestly, I would say, don't keep squeezing it, prodding it or poking it. You can guarantee that will make it sore, red and inflammed. I would leave it alone and ignore it for a couple of weeks, if in that time it becomes red, warm and swollen, see your doctor as it could be an ingrown hair and may have got infected. The same could be said for a cyst, it could just stay there under the skin for years and then suddenly (and I've felt with myself, randomly) grow and get infected. If it's a spot it'll probably vanish, but as before if it gets warm, red, swollen etc.

As I've said I have had all three. Sometimes I've needed antibiotics, sometimes they've gone away on their own and sometimes in the case of cysts I've had them removed or drained.

I'm not an expert but as I said;
* Leave it alone for a couple of weeks.
* Do not consult Dr Google
* If it becomes red, warm and inflammed contact your doctor, you may need antibiotics.
* If after a couple of weeks there is no change and you are still concerned, see your doctor.

I really don't believe it's anything serious.

Thank you. I definitely think it's a boil/cyst. I've gotten them before down there and on my behind region from shaving. But does it sound like a lymph node? I wouldn't think lymph nodes are attached to the skin like that. It feels like when you have a pimple, and you can feel it attached to your skin. I would think a lymph node, you could roll the skin over it and is not attached, Im freaking out.

18-01-22, 23:45
I definitely think it's a boil/cyst. Im freaking out.

What's there to freak out about? :shrug:


19-01-22, 00:13
What's there to freak out about? :shrug:


The possibility of me being wrong. Like, I’m pretty sure it’s just a ingrown hair/boil/cyst like usual but it’s like not being able to tell for sure. It also is a little tender. I’m hoping it’s not a lymph node as it’ moves with the skin.

19-01-22, 01:26
The possibility of me being wrong. Like, I’m pretty sure it’s just a ingrown hair/boil/cyst like usual but it’s like not being able to tell for sure. It also is a little tender. I’m hoping it’s not a lymph node as it’ moves with the skin.

You're not wrong. Probably from shaving. Worry if you want :shrug: :lac:


19-01-22, 15:53
You're not wrong. Probably from shaving. Worry if you want :shrug: :lac:


I’m scared. How do I know it’s not a lymph node. It’s day 3 since I found it and it doesn’t seem like it’s improving. :(

19-01-22, 16:02
Even if it were a lymph node, it doesn't mean it's harmful. Lymph nodes go up and down for a wide variety of reasons - most perfectly harmless.

I would say if it gets larger or changes in any other way, it would be worth checking out. Otherwise, stop prodding it for a week or two and see if it goes away (it almost certainly will).

19-01-22, 17:52
Even if it were a lymph node, it doesn't mean it's harmful. Lymph nodes go up and down for a wide variety of reasons - most perfectly harmless.

I would say if it gets larger or changes in any other way, it would be worth checking out. Otherwise, stop prodding it for a week or two and see if it goes away (it almost certainly will).

I hope so. But it SEEMS like a pimple/cyst/ingrown hair. I wouldn’t think enlarged lymph nodes are attached to the skin? And it’s tender. I just want it to go away but it’s only been 3 days. I THINK it got smaller, but I’m not entirely sure

19-01-22, 21:41
idk what to do… am I worrying for nothing? is it a cyst? if it is an ingrown cyst, why isn’t it going away or improving? it’s been three days

19-01-22, 22:34
It may just be taking awhile to go away, and if you are messing with it it will take even longer. Imagine you have a cut on your finger - it isn't going to be totally healed in three days, and if you prod it, it will certainly take longer to heal.

Even if it were a lymph node (which it does not sound like), that alone isn't harmful. They are supposed to swell up like that in response to, really, a hundred thousand things.

The only way out of this is to give yourself a plan of attack: leave it alone for one week, then reassess. If you are still worried, ask a doctor. In the meantime, do whatever you can think of to distract yourself.

20-01-22, 20:59
It’s still not going away… I’m freaking myself out. I’m not sure if it’s smaller I just don’t know anymore. why does this always happen to me

20-01-22, 23:12
Okay, but you posted yesterday. The thread itself was only started Monday. It is not uncommon for it to take a week for these things to go away, and it probably is getting smaller, your anxious mind just can't register it.

It's not going to be easy, but you need to acknowledge that this isn't something that will harm you within even the next week, even on the insane chance that it were harmful at all. You have to find a way to combat your anxiety and get out of your head. It's really hard with the pandemic, but can you do anything to take your mind off of it? Maybe go for a walk, or visit with friends? Maybe setup like a Zoom party or something?

24-01-22, 06:43
So it's been one week and it's still there. I feel like it's getting smaller, but not smaller fast enough. Should I give it another week? It also feels like smaller now, like a very tiny small pea and it feels soft. Im still worried.... wish it would end and go away

25-01-22, 00:23
So it's been one week and it's still there. I feel like it's getting smaller, but not smaller fast enough. Should I give it another week? It also feels like smaller now, like a very tiny small pea and it feels soft. Im still worried.... wish it would end and go away

I’ve included a picture here: https://imgur.com/5od4w0Y

25-01-22, 00:48
Please somebody :(

25-01-22, 01:32
Dude... leave it alone and let it heal!


25-01-22, 02:33
Dude... leave it alone and let it heal!


but why does it feel HUGE to me? It feels like a ball under the skin. are lymph nodes attached/fixed to the top layer of skin? how do i know its nothing bad... Im going to a doctors appointment Friday and Im terrified. I can roll it between my fingers and it feels like a tiny pea. Not attached to anything other than the skin. No tubes. Nothing. Is this just a cyst???

25-01-22, 05:56
I am spiraling again. I just read an article how this person thought they had an ingrown hair but it was melanoma. Im freaking out. I can't live in constant worry anymore.

25-01-22, 06:24
When you see the doctor could you discuss your HA with them?

In the meantime, please don't google and leave it alone.

25-01-22, 06:29
When you see the doctor could you discuss your HA with them?

In the meantime, please don't google and leave it alone.

Could messing it cause to swell more and/or prevent it from healing or getting smaller? I'm pretty sure I've touched it and squeezed at least once a day. I'm so nervous and wish It would just go away.

25-01-22, 15:45
Yes, messing with it will keep it from healing. Imagine you have a cut on your finger. Instead of leaving it alone and putting a bandaid on it, you spend hours daily sticking a Q-tip in it and prodding at it. Do you think it will heal quickly, or keep opening up and potentially get worse?

You admitted it's getting smaller. Lymph nodes, when inflamed, will get smaller - but if they are inflamed for a bad reason, like cancer, they wouldn't. And again, lots of things can cause lymph nodes to go up (although from your picture that definitely looks like an ingrown hair).

If you think you need to see a doctor, please do so, but also please discuss your HA. I am surely not the best to give advice because my posts will show you that I too still struggle with HA, but several years ago I did get medical help and it's night and day what it used to be. Far less extreme panic attacks, and the episodes I do have don't last months like they used to.

25-01-22, 15:49
Yes, messing with it will keep it from healing. Imagine you have a cut on your finger. Instead of leaving it alone and putting a bandaid on it, you spend hours daily sticking a Q-tip in it and prodding at it. Do you think it will heal quickly, or keep opening up and potentially get worse?

You admitted it's getting smaller. Lymph nodes, when inflamed, will get smaller - but if they are inflamed for a bad reason, like cancer, they wouldn't. And again, lots of things can cause lymph nodes to go up (although from your picture that definitely looks like an ingrown hair).

If you think you need to see a doctor, please do so, but also please discuss your HA. I am surely not the best to give advice because my posts will show you that I too still struggle with HA, but several years ago I did get medical help and it's night and day what it used to be. Far less extreme panic attacks, and the episodes I do have don't last months like they used to.

I thought it was getting smaller, but Im not even sure anymore. But maybe it's an ingrown hair that left a cyst that'll take time to heal. I just don't know anymore and its eating me up alive! It's so crippling that I can't even enjoy going on social media or watching something fun or even really hanging out with friends. If it was an infection, why hasn't it really improved... its been like 9 days now. Although I will say there are times I have spent almost an hour squeezing it and poking it.

I have an appointment scheduled for Friday but I'm still quite nervous for it. Here's another picture of it, you can see it looks like a pea sized bump if I pull it to the other side, but that could also be more prominent because there's no fat in that area. Idk <picture removed by admin>

26-01-22, 23:42
Well my doctor's appointment is tomorrow and I am so nervous. I really hope she is able tell me what it is, and that it's just something minor like a cyst/ingrown hair. I hope they don't have to do any testing but I am sooo beyond nervous.

It's still not gone yet but again it feels attached to the skin? Does that sound like a lymph node!?

27-01-22, 04:16
I am beyond nervous.... I just want this to end. I'm hoping my doctor agrees that it's a cyst or ingrown hair or something minor. Im praying so much.

29-01-22, 01:31
Okay so I saw my doctor today and explained how I've had it for about a week and a half. She felt it and said it was an ingrown hair / cyst. She was sure it wasn't serious or a lymph node. Although I was relieved to hear that, I just want to know why a cyst would be here still and not going away. She did explain that it could stay for a while or even not go away at all. Which freaked me out because why WOULDNT it go away. Anyway, I'm going to leave it alone now since she's not worried about it. I did see her feel and roll it around. She was not concerned. Should I just trust her and let go of the worry? I even asked "So it's not a lymph node or concerning" And she replied, "Nope! Not at all."

29-01-22, 01:38
Okay so I saw my doctor today and explained how I've had it for about a week and a half. She felt it and said it was an ingrown hair / cyst. She was sure it wasn't serious or a lymph node. Although I was relieved to hear that, I just want to know why a cyst would be here still and not going away. She did explain that it could stay for a while or even not go away at all. Which freaked me out because why WOULDNT it go away. Anyway, I'm going to leave it alone now since she's not worried about it. I did see her feel and roll it around. She was not concerned. Should I just trust her and let go of the worry? I even asked "So it's not a lymph node or concerning" And she replied, "Nope! Not at all."

As expected!


30-01-22, 04:22
Absolutely, let it go, stop poking and prodding it, and in the meantime try to work on ways to combat your anxiety for when this situation happens again.