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19-11-07, 17:14
what helps with fallin to sleep. I find it very hard to sleep due to a racing mind. i try to calm myself dwn but then feel like my mind is blank which scares me more. I nearly had a panic attack last nite when trying to sleep! i culd feel myself getting more and more worried about it. i herd xanx is a perscribed medication any nartural remedies?

19-11-07, 17:30
Hi there

I too have that problem when I'm very anxious. I'm getting better at it though in terms of how I look at it. For example, I used to be so anxious I couldn't settle at all and used to lie in bed, then get up and pace the house, walk round the garden, etc etc. Then worry the next day that I couldn't sleep and feel worse.

Now though, I tell myself if I am really anxious that I might not be able to sleep tonight so I take myself to bed with stuff to do. A book if I can manage it, loads of hard Sudokus, a relaxation tape, breathing exercises to do and i think about all the other people who are awake too (and there are loads) and tell myself that this is what I'm going to do tonight and if I can rest then great which takes the pressue off "sleep" as I tell myself I'm only there to "rest". I also try to reduce my expectations of myself and the evening. If I can stay in bed and complete a Sudoku then that's an achievement.

If you can find a proper tape/cd which teaches you breathing exercises (not just breathing from your abdomen) then this really does help. I've got one which takes about 35 minutes to go through it all.

HOpe this helps you.

Sarah x

19-11-07, 17:35
Hi there

This is a good thread about natural remedies for sleep that Nic posted, im sure she wont mind me posting the link for you.



24-11-07, 23:18
I know when i cant sleep i'll do some deep abdominal breathing.. When i get done about 10 breaths my minds relaxes and then the next thing i know i'm asleep..

My main problem is waking up 10+ times a night, it's a pain.. My GP tried giving me trazodone to help with that but i have not taken any yet..

Try the deep breathing before going on any meds..

Good luck and keep us updated.

24-11-07, 23:25
I listen to the bbc Worldservice at night and that helps me drift off. I'm usually tuned to radio4 ( a little tranny on my pillow) and after the fishing/long range weathrer forcast they join up with the world Service and have an amazing array of progs to lull and fascinate you 'til sleep takes over.