View Full Version : Accessed online doctor for skin issue set-off anxiety

23-01-22, 20:50
I’m in a bout of very bad health anxiety that started when a red patch appeared on my wrist looking like eczema or ringworm. Derm gave me steroids and it’s been a month and not budging. Then I noticed when I get out of shower I develop what looks like a red hive in one knee that goes away I’m after 10 minutes.

I consulted an online doctor and he said it could be allergies but mentioned I should get blood work because rash could be low platelets. This sent me in tail spin as my sister had leukemia. Had blood done 4 months ago and it was normal.

Now I’m on the couch paralyzed and crying thinking the worst. My mind is literally going to the worst case scenario and I’m having a full blown panic attack.

Can someone please send me advice or help on how to not stop thinking the worst. It would be so appreciated!

23-01-22, 22:34
Are you talking about one tiny bump on your knee, that went away after 10 minutes ?

I just want to clarify this, because if you are talking about that then how on earth could that be anything serious ?

I'm not sure what this 'online doctor' thing is, is it a private paid for consultation with a random person online ? It sounds like it might be. Never go down this route, they are set up to make money from you, you don't even know what their credentials are and they don't know you, your background or have to be very ethical. One hive isn't a rash and that sounds like a 'HA doctor' - by that I mean that they've jumped to the most extraordinarily unlikely scenario and are catastrophising ;) I'd literally pay no attention to anything this person told you, you are vulnerable I can see that as their 'diagnoses' has rattled you, but really ignore it and don't do online consultations with randoms again.

23-01-22, 22:38
Derm gave me steroids and it’s been a month and not budging

Did they just give steroids or an anti-fungal ointment ? Thats what is given for ringworm.

23-01-22, 22:52
Thanks for your response. I was given a steroid for spot on wrist which is dime sized because I tried anti-fungal and it didn’t work.

The hive stuff came later. Like after I shower the top of my knee gets hive like rash that goes away and it happened recently on arm. I’m under other stress.

I have health anxiety so took pics of hives and and wrist and sent to online derm, he mentioned low platelets. I was floored, would have never made that connection. So now I’m a mess.

23-01-22, 23:11
There is a factor here though - the shower. Hot showers can cause rashes in some people. I can't recall the name, but I do recall reading years ago (in my HA days) of some urticaria caused by changing body temperatures and heat. It is also known that showers, if too hot, can strip the skin of oils and make it dry and thereby cause hive rashes easier and easier over time. Look - I'm not going to pretend that I'm a medic, I've no qualifications at all, but I'll tell you this, its very strange as an objective bystander to see that a 'Dr' told you from this rash that you might have 'low platelets' and highly irresponsible actually.

23-01-22, 23:20
I’m really one shock too. I’m running to get my blood work tomorrow just in case. But thank you for your reassurance. I think since this eczema spot on wrist isn’t going away and then then hives thing started I thought there may be a connection but did not expect the doctor response. Really put me in a tailspin.

23-01-22, 23:27
Christy, blood done , really?

Do you even know this was a creditable doctor ???

I was hoping that you'd not take this person seriously, but it seems you have despite everything I've said.

24-01-22, 00:48
I sooo appreciate your feedback. My rational side agrees with you, my irrational health anxiety is doubting Im ok, it’s not I doubt you.