View Full Version : Public Speaking

19-11-07, 17:34
Hi all
Just wondered if anyone has any tips on Public speaking. Invariably from time to time in my job I have to give presentations, and I think that is when I feel the most "panicky" Any suggestions would be great.

Take Care

19-11-07, 20:01

Public speaking is my worst subject, so I cannot really advise, except for to remember that you are not alone in not liking it, to make little pointers you can refer back to, act confident even if you are quaking inside, maybe even share with your audience that you do not relish public speaking...... just GO FOR IT........ it gets easier the more you do it. Good Luck!!

19-11-07, 20:12
strangely enough, I don't find public speaking too difficult. I used to be involved in amateur dramatics for a few years and I see public speaking as 'acting'. On saying that it is maybe the fact that I 'act' so often that I have problems with anx. ie I don't let people see the real frightened me.

20-11-07, 15:38
I'm not a great public speaker but I'd say have a bath beforehand with lavender and bergamot essential oils. Maybe try and expose yourself to public speaking in the few days before your presentation to show yourself you can do it? Something like telling a joke to a big group of friends or going up and speaking to a few people you don't know.
Also, if it were me I'd turn up to the presentation just on time so that you go straight into it and don't have a lot of time to worry and stress about it as you wait.
Above all, remember that if you want to, you will do great :)


loopy loo
20-11-07, 16:52
I just thought i would share my experience of a very recent presentation, all be it a very short one.
I was extremely nervous on the morning.....we had to be there at 10am and my presentation was not until almost 4pm.
We had some "speakers" on various subjects before we had to do our own, and as often happens, they had an "any questions" time.
I wanted to ask a question and felt my anxiety getting highter and higher, just because of that. So, i made myself ask a question. As soon as i had done, i felt my anxiety come straight down.
I thought that i would cope o.k after that as it took a lot of effort just to do that, but when i actually stood up to do my presentation, my nerves were worse than ever!
My voice trembled and i probably did not come across as being particularly great at giving presentations!
However, nothing awful happened apart from extreme anxiety, but, and i think it is quite a big but, i did manage to do it, and there is this very rational part of you that seems to take over in these sort of situations to slow you down and help you focus.
I think every one feels it is difficult to stand up infront of a group of people and talk, even the "speaker" said "um" more times than i care to mention and she travels round the world giving talks!!
All i can say, is perhaps do something a little tricky as near to the presentation that you can......something else that is a small challenge to you. It just might give you extra confidence....it would have me had my presentation been much closer to asking that question.
You need to focus in one place when you look up ( if reading from a paper)
and remind your self to breathe slowly and slow down as much as possible.
Imagine all the people in the audience are your friends and love you and are really enjoying what you are saying.
I hope something from this will help. Good luck.
loopy loo